

TRUJILLO - VALERA/Delcy Rodríguez: The blockade is also against Chávez

National mobilizations in support of President Maduro continue
Photo: Captura VTV

Published at: 09/05/2024 01:03 PM

The battle being waged by the Venezuelan people against unilateral coercive measures also seeks to preserve the legacy of the Supreme Commander, Hugo Chávez Frías, who is also being attacked with this blockade of imperialism, said the Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez.

During his participation in a major mobilization against sanctions and in support of President Nicolás Maduro, Rodríguez called on the Venezuelan people to remain mobilized to defend the legacy of the Supreme Commander.

“The Blockade is against Chávez, the sanctions are against Chávez, that's why we have to be the first to defend Commander Chávez and tell them that they can't do it with us,” he said.

In this regard, he stressed that the Head of State has always been on the side of the People working, looking for alternatives to try to alleviate the negative effects of sanctions against our People.

“In 2018, when the blockade against Venezuela intensified, the President launched the economic recovery plan and called on all Venezuelans to produce for the country and today in 2024 we are seeing the result of the sacrifice of this people,” he stressed.

In the same way, he invited the Trujillo people to continue the work they have been doing for food production until they become a major exporter of different sectors.

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