

TRUJILLO - SABANA DE MENDOZA/The People guarantee the continuity of the Bolivarian Revolution (+28J)

Mobilization in support of President Nicolás Maduro from Trujillo
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 08/05/2024 01:46 PM

This Wednesday, the social movements, youth and militancy of the state of Trujillo mobilized to reach the town of Sabana de Mendoza, Sucre municipality, in support of President Nicolás Maduro Moros.

Lady Godoy, spokeswoman for the Bolivar and Chávez Battle Unit (UBCH), stressed that from the ground up, the head of state “has the unconditional support of fierce men and women who reject sanctions against our country, the right wing and North American imperialism.”

“Count on men and women from the state of Trujillo, because July 28 will be the victory. Nicolás is the love of the people!” , said the spokeswoman.

Likewise, the youth of the state of Trujillo pointed out that they guarantee the Revolutionary Process and “we tell the United States (USA) to cease sanctions against our country, because we are a land of peace!

In this regard, the Trujillanos assure that they are guarantors of the continuity of Commander Chávez's legacy, just as on July 28, the patriotic ranks will achieve the Great Victory together with President Nicolás Maduro.

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