

TRUJILLO - SABANA DE MENDOZA/Cabello: The PSUV is the most powerful force of political organization that exists

The members of the PSUV are doing their job
Photo: Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 08/05/2024 02:07 PM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, assured that the Red Awning party is the most powerful force of political organization in the country.

“The great United Socialist Party of Venezuela does not run over anyone, it is the one that is in the vanguard with some great comrades from the Great Patriotic Pole and allied parties,” said Cabello Rondón from Sabana de Mendoza, in Trujillo state, during a mobilization in support of President Nicolás Maduro.

Cabello Rondón said that every member of the PSUV is doing their job, calling for votes, registering colleagues, organizing, “this week the United Socialist Party of Venezuela starts with its 1 X 10”.

“It's really 1 X 10, true, if you have two, that you take those two to vote, that no one comes to say they're 40 and then you don't take anyone, you need to secure the vote,” Cabello Rondón insisted.

He also said that the allied parties, under their methodology, their form, all united with the Revolution, “all united around President Nicolás Maduro, in perfect unity.”

In that sense, he affirmed that if political diligence has ever been united, it is at this time and “when the political leadership sets the example, the People accompany them”.

“Let's get ready for July 28, we're going to win elections, Nicolás Maduro will once again be president of the Republic,” added Cabelló Rondón, at the same time inviting revolutionaries to be alert because the right wing will bet as always on violence,

“We must be alert to what they are doing on the street, we are going to fully identify where the sources of violence are and we are going to do a job as revolutionaries, let's go house to house to invite those who are dissatisfied, those who are not Chavista, to come with us, with Nicolás, with the Revolution to build the beautiful country we have,” he said.

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