

Trujillo heading to Caracas with more than 9,800 minutes to apply for Nicolás Maduro's candidacy

Let us remain united and firm on this path!” , they emphasized
PSUV press

Published at: 15/03/2024 09:06 PM

The basic structures of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) have already begun their transfer to Caracas with more than 9,800 minutes, which they will deliver to the Congress of the political organization, which was rescheduled for this Saturday, March 16, an instance that will define Nicolás Maduro's candidacy for the red awning for the Presidential Elections of July 28, 2024.

In this regard, in a video posted on social networks, the delegates of the Andean entity expressed that “Trujill or Heading to Caracas with more than 9,800 minutes in hand!” ,

They stated that “nominating Nicolás Maduro as our next presidential candidate of the Revolutionary Forces, following the legacy of Commander Hugo Chávez,” they said.

“Let us remain united and firm on this path!” , they emphasized.

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