

TRIBUTE TO RICARDO DURÁN (Latest News — Correo del Orinoco, January 21, 2016)

Published at: 24/01/2024 09:00 PM

  • Eight years ago, in the early morning of January 19, the 40-year-old Bolivarian journalist Ricardo Durán Trujillo was shot to the neck.
  • In an article published in 2009 in Tribuna Popular, the news agency of the PCV, it was reported that Durán had been the subject of several attacks because of various complaints he had made.
  • He was a prominent TV and radio reporter, as well as participating in numerous programs.
  • He stood out as Director of Communication of the National Assembly and days before his assassination he was appointed to the same position in the Government of the Capital District.
  • He led an RNV opinion space, which earned him the winner of the 2009 National Journalism Award, in the category of Opinion mention Radio.
  • According to police investigations, Durán arrived at his residence, located in Caricuao, after midnight and when he got out of his Chery car, three individuals approached him and shot him in the neck.
  • Later they fled in the same vehicle as their victim, which was abandoned without taking any of the deceased's belongings. Everything indicated that it was a murder for hire.
  • On March 18 of that same year, agents of the Bolivarian National Police arrested a man named Darwin Antonio Barriento Díaz, identified as the murderer of Ricardo Durán.
  • The detainee presented false identity documents. Soon after, it was possible to verify, through a passport, his true identity, detecting that he was also being sought for the crime of homicide.
  • Those who knew him treasure the memory of one of the best soldiers in social communication at the service of truth and a militant of the Bolivarian Revolution.

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