

Tree Mission: 18 years planting life

This Mission was created with the objective of recovering and conserving the forests of Venezuela, raising awareness from schools, from the ground up to maintain an ecological balance

Published at: 04/06/2024 08:00 AM

On June 4, 2006, Commander Hugo Chávez launched the Tree Mission during the 257th Aló Presidente program.

“The Tree Mission begins, Bravo! , the Tree Mission throughout this magical land of Venezuela (...) 'We must ask for love to the tree, let us never forget that it is the work of God', that song comes out of the background of every child inside you,” said Commander Chávez, from Waraira Repano.

This Mission was created with the objective of recovering and conserving the forests of Venezuela, raising awareness from schools, from the ground up to maintain an ecological balance.

In 18 years, the Tree Mission has planted millions of trees and has reforested thousands of hectares degraded by forest fires across the country.

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