

Together we will win! Vladimir Putin gave a speech when he took office as president of Russia

Vladimir Putin, President of Russia
Photo: Internet

Published at: 07/05/2024 08:03 AM

This Tuesday, at the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow, the Russian Federation, the official inauguration ceremony of President Vladimir Putin was held, the ceremony lasted about an hour after the recitation of the oath, and the dignitary gave a speech in which he emphasized “Together we will win!”

Putin noted that the fate of Russia will be decided by his people “for themselves and only for themselves, for the sake of current and future generations.” The president noted that with the votes they “confirmed the country's correct course”, which is “important in a context of serious challenges”.

“I am sure that support for centuries-old family values and traditions will continue to unite public and religious associations, political parties and all levels of government,” he said.

Likewise, the president reiterated that Moscow “does not reject dialogue with Western states”. “Talking about security and strategic stability is possible, but not from a position of strength.”

“The choice is yours: whether they intend to continue trying to stop Russia's development, to continue with their policy of aggression, of incessant pressure on our country for years, or to seek a path to cooperation and peace,” Putin stressed.

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