

To tie! La Sayo is desperate and Inmundo plans to tour Europe to hammer

Far-right wing María Corina Machado and Edmundo González
Internet photo

Published at: 09/10/2024 09:16 PM

October 9, 2024.

Casa-Palacio del Conde de Cedillo - Salamanca neighborhood, near Paseo de la Castellana, one block from Crazy Leo's house on the Golden Mile, Madrid.

Oleeeeeee my friend Diosdado! How are you, man? I continue my days in Madrid, and like every day before starting the work, I put on my spandex, went to the park and completed my yoga session. Brother! , I suppose you didn't start with yoga or with the spandex, I'm sure you don't want a vest from your promotion, that's not how you can.

Before starting to give you the details about the maneuvers being carried out by Inmundo González with the Spanish extreme right, I must first tell you about my recent video call with our dear friend La Charlotte (don't forget to greet her in English), tell her: “Charlotte, How are you feeling today?

Bro! , let me tell you that things in Washington DC are still looking very bad for La Sayo and the Venezuelan extremist opposition. As La Charlotte tells me, the international lobby they have deployed in recent weeks is not yielding results in The White House and other institutions of the Biden administration. With less than a month left until the presidential elections, both the Democratic and Republican campaigns have preferred to focus on their local issues and are shifting the focus away from Venezuela.

This, according to La Charlotte, means that, whether Kamala or Trump, the United States will move forward starting in 2025 in a partial understanding with President Nicolás Maduro to ensure the stability of the global oil market, putting the economic interests of both nations above ideological positions. The recent conflicts in the Middle East have placed the United States government on another board, and as is evident and proven, only Venezuela can ensure such stability.

So much so, that La Charlotte confirmed to me that a few days ago a very important group of American oil magnates arrived in Caracas to hold meetings with key figures within the Bolivarian Government. After the high-level meetings, those tycoons came out happier than a child opening presents on December 25. The feedback from Americans is that they want to work and invest in Venezuela and that same feedback is echoing in the corridors of The White House.

The oil magnates, who are mostly conservative but pragmatic, insist that progress must be made in an understanding between The White House and Miraflores. La Charlotte told me that the gringos are very insistent with their calls to Caracas because they want to leave the pipes open before November 5.

In parallel, the renewal of Chevron's license was celebrated by influential sectors of the U.S. economic power and has aroused the interest of other oil investors to do business with Venezuela. On the other hand, La Sayo, who by the way is crammed with a... better yet I'll tell you next Wednesday, called the United States ambassador to Colombia, Francisco Palmieri, to complain about the renewal of the license, claiming that this hinders her plans. What La Sayo doesn't know is that Palma de Coco can't stand it.


Brooooo! , the visceral hatred of La Sayo and of extremism, was unleashed against Francisco Palmieri after a television interview in which a radical change was noticed in the ambassador's position. In the interview, Palmieri called for dialogue and opened the door for the Venezuelan opposition to participate in the regional elections that are scheduled for 2025, and since everything in life has a reason, I tell you that this change is due to the fact that Palma de Coco does not want to be the new version of Toy Story, and is seeking its survival after the presidential elections in the United States.

Palmieri's priority, today, is to survive in office in Colombia. The information he has transmitted to the U.S. government is that President Nicolás Maduro will continue in power, and that the country is calm.


Coming back here in Madrid. I confirm that Edmundo González left Venezuela to escape the manipulation of María Corina and fall into the clutches of Miguel Henrique Otero and Antonieta Jurado. It is the two of them who have sold to Inmundo the need to take control of all of Venezuela's assets abroad, including CITGO and England's gold.

That proposal, to put a hand to the billions of dollars that our country has withheld thanks to the hand of the gringos through the parapet called AN2015, was mortgaged to the Popular Party and to Vox, where Otero and his wife have a lot of influence to secure business commissions. Two days ago Miguel Henrique Otero told another of his friends, also dedicated to media manipulation and extortion, that if Inmundo González takes control of the assets, he (Miguel Henrique) will be able to collect the alleged “damages” that, according to him, the Venezuelan State owes him after the demand and seizure of the El Nacional headquarters, that is, everything is a personal interest.

In the same order, I tell you that Alberto Federico Ravell and Carlos Méndez, the owner of the EVTV Miami channel, have arrived in Madrid in recent weeks. The children came to see how they got into the game with Edmundo, in the best style of when they did it with Guaidó.

About Carlos Méndez, owner of EVTV, I confirm that days ago he hammered several businessmen in order to come to Madrid where Edmundo González had supposedly summoned him.

The vaunted call turned out to be a big lie and the one who ended up meeting was businessman Tulio Capriles at the Amparito Roca Restaurant in Madrid, very popular with the local elite, I'll leave you some photos. Méndez is desperately looking for someone to sell the channel to because it is bankrupt, he remembers that he kept the money stolen by Juan Guaidó's interim.

Brother! The story doesn't end there, to get a foothold in the game, Méndez hired none other than the wife of Andrés Izarra, Ledezma's stepdaughter, as a correspondent in Madrid to cover the 10 seconds that Edmundo González had on the stage at Puerta del Sol on September 28, thanks to that, Ledezma's thug allowed Carlos Méndez to stay in the protocol area of the Inmundo. Méndez is still in Madrid looking for a victim to buy the channel or to see if the Inmundo opens his checkbook.

By the way, Leopoldo Castillo, the so-called citizen, left the EVTV Miami channel because Carlos Méndez can no longer pay him and it's the perfect excuse to come to Madrid to work with Edmundo González, who was his employee in El Salvador. The one who remains in charge, for now, of the EVTV channel because it is now dedicated to extortion and media manipulation, is the journalist Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, and then I will tell you details.

Bro! , in less than what a rooster crows here in Madrid, a scandal will explode, you'll remind me that the Monomeros thing will be left in its diapers.

The truth is that Inmundo already has a pot of more than 10 million dollars in his possession, and he wants to extend that retirement fund by touring several countries of the European Community to hammer the more unwary with the supposed promise that the “finnnn of reeeeegimen” is close.

I will continue in Spain because it remains to be seen what chips Leopoldo López and Julio Borges will move, who until now are still fighting not to be left out of the game.

Remember that I am your fine, fitness and important friend.

Change and out.

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