

To date, Gran Misión Viva Venezuela has registered 233,000 cultivators of the Homeland

Next weekend, a new registration day will take place in 108 missing municipalities, said the head of state

Published at: 17/03/2024 08:58 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, reported that the number of people enrolled in the Great Mission Viva Venezuela Mi Patria Querida reached 233 thousand artists registered during the third day, which covered 217 municipalities in the country.

On his account on the social network X, he highlighted: “How impressive! I am getting the data of the more than 233 thousand female cultivators who have registered until 7:00 PM today #17Mar, with the varied rhythms, dance, music and all the aesthetics throughout the country”.

He added that “these 3 days have been beautiful, my congratulations to the entire team promoting the Great Mission Viva Venezuela My Beloved Homeland. We are moving forward with firm steps full of colors!”

The head of state attached an audio from his official WhatsApp channel, through which he sent a message to all the cultivators of the Homeland.

“My congratulations and greetings, to all of you, the Great Mission Viva Venezuela my Beloved Homeland is impressive, I receive impressive data (...) These are three beautiful days, I congratulate you, we are moving forward at a firm pace and full of colors, you are impressed by how there is a revival of Venezuelan spirituality, national of our identity,” he said.

He also recalled that next weekend a new registration day will take place in 108 missing municipalities, to complete enrollment in 100% of the territories.

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