

Through the 1x10, Hidrocapital served the community of Los Jardines del Valle

Jobs on 9th Street in Jardines del Valle
Photo: Internet

Published at: 08/06/2024 09:14 PM

The organized communities of streets 8, 9, 12 and 18 of the Jardines de El Valle, in Caracas, were served by the Hydrological Department of the Capital Region (Hidrocapital), which replaced 192 meters of drinking water pipes in the town, in response to requests from the 1×10 of the Good Government.

Engineers, technicians and workers from Hidrocapital attended El Valle parish and replaced the eight-inch diameter steel pipe, sewer cleaning, household reconnections, repair of faults, and other actions, to serve 16,850 inhabitants.

In addition, the hydrological workforce is focused on meeting the 95% care goal.

The leader of the Hugo Chávez Battle Units (UBCH), Fabiola Carmona thanked the team of professionals at Hidrocapital, and the policies implemented by our president Nicolás Maduro.

“We are reaping what we have sown. Our commune: Land of Free Women and Men, which brings together 13 communal councils, has been our meeting point to discuss and create projects that benefit our community, and today they are becoming a reality with the replacement of 192 meters of drinking water pipe,” said the spokeswoman.