

This was the installation of the AN for the 2024 period (+photos)

LAN installation this Friday, January 5, 2024
Photo With the Dando Mazo

Published at: 05/01/2024 12:57 PM

This Friday, January 5, the new Board of Directors of the National Assembly (AN) was installed, in which Deputy Jorge Rodríguez as President, Deputy Pedro Infante as First Vice President and Deputy América Pérez as Second Vice President were ratified in office.

During the installation session of the AN for the 2024 legislation, the head of the Homeland Bloc, Diosdado Cabello, recognized the deputies for their work of maintaining peace and tranquility during the year 2023.

“All the deputies, including the opposition sectors that live here, have collaborated in the peace and tranquility of this country,” he said.

He also highlighted the role played by Deputy Jorge Rodríguez, on instructions from President Nicolás Maduro, on the subject of dialogue with the opposition and other countries.

On the other hand, Cabello highlighted that the headquarters of the Legislative Branch of Venezuela is located in Caracas and performs its functions from the capital city, as established in article 1 of the Interior and Debate Regulations of the AN.

“The National Legislative Power is exercised by an organ of the AN, spokesperson for the Venezuelan People, its headquarters are the city of Caracas, capital of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, it is not Miami, it is not Spain or Bogota; the headquarters is Caracas (...) I wanted to read that article to make it clear that today the very sovereign National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, elected in 2020, is being installed in its fourth corresponding term,” he said.

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