

This Tuesday, the Bolivarian Government begins maintenance work on the Taguaza system in Miranda

Authorities urge the population to take appropriate precautions
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 27/05/2024 04:52 PM

This Tuesday, the Bolivarian Government, together with HIDROCAPITAL, the Miranda governorate and the organized popular power, will carry out a series of maintenance work on the Taguaza system, so there will be a scheduled 48-hour stop in the municipalities of Acevedo, Plaza and Zamora.

According to a press release from the state water company, work will begin at 6:00 in the afternoon on Tuesday, so they urge the population of the three municipalities in Barlovento to take preventive measures.

The installation of a new 900 horsepower engine, with its vertical pump; the repair of faults, the replacement of suction cups and electromechanical maintenance on simultaneous work fronts will be carried out at the station, located in the Acevedo municipality of the said entity.

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