

They're upset! Find out what the Biden government says in the face of María Violencia's lies (+rebel PUPU)

Gringos believe that extremist opposition has become a network of political fraud and corruption

Published at: 05/06/2024 10:03 PM

Washington D.C.

United States Congress - June 5th, 2024.


Hello my friend Furrialeaño. How are you? I was going to ask you in English how the Chavism mobilizations are going for the elections, but I didn't want to roll up your presentation. Let's go to business. I write to you from the steps of the United States Congress, where you enter the corridor that goes to the Capitol Roundabout, passing through the gallery of paintings I asked myself: “if Washington belongs to Diosdado Cabello, we should have a painting, a painting of Chavez, of Maduro, over here”, but well, then we fixed that detail.

Bro, I still have a hard time believing that it is the Republican Party itself that is playing to be the bad cop in the movie. I tell you that the Red Elephant Party has blocked in Congress the disbursement of the funds that gringa implementers, namely the fruit shop and the zoo, send to the Venezuelan opposition for the care and defense of the vote.

Ironically, the blockade that they are applying to the opposition worm confirms what we have been warning for weeks: the victory of Nicolás Maduro on July 28 is indisputable, and the gringos who are not idiots, they are abstaining from investing money in a cause that is already lost, but even more so, they know that this money will go to the pockets of the opponents, not to the electoral process. If the gringos are convinced of something, it is that this generation of puppets that they created became a network of political fraud and corruption.

In this same order, I tell you that in these parts, the lobbyists of La Sayo have been seen with great intensity, who are running from there to here, looking for meetings and presenting the famous projects for the “defense and custody of the vote”, Bro! , these projectiles are their best façade for hammering green dollars in times of elections. Despite the effort to sell smoke on Social Networks, the numbers don't work and the stakes for María Corina are starting to fall, which is why in recent international events and interviews, MaríaViolencia has been very insistent in asking for “more support” from the international community, that is, not to leave her alone, poor thing I think of Zelenski's clown asking not to be left alone in the war.

By the way, a little friend of mine from the North American Congress, don't say who, but that her name begins with “J” and works with one of the most recalcitrant congressmen in La Florida, told me that from the United States they confronted María Corina because she presented a report that claims to have made up about 27,000 commandos, but unintentionally, a person from the Vente Venezuela team leaked the truth to the gringos, and that is that to date they have not arrived not to the 9,500 commandos. In the living room they were left with their jaws on the floor, La Sayo was exposed, so the gringos told them: “don't call me, I'll call you”.

At the same time, the PUPU parties are making a mess of Sayo's ranch, because with less than 53 days left until the presidential elections, they haven't seen a dollar cut in half. MaríaViolencia had promised that by this date all the parties would have their piece of the cake, that is, of the money, of the banknotes, but the resources are not coming in as they thought, and it is understandable, no one wants to put money on the losing horse, unless the imperial masters give the order. Meanwhile, the discomfort worsens. The teams of Vente Venezuela and the PUPU in the regions are in intensive care, without money, without direction and without witnesses. Can you believe that to date there are states where María Corina's team does not have the location of the centers to work or how many people they need to cover them? , brother, they have no structure and the gringos, the Chinese, the Russians and even those of the furrial know that without machinery you can't win an election.

Desperate, that's how Delsa Solórzano is going, she ran out to launch her own electoral volunteering, distancing herself from the commandos and the 600K network. Delsa's plan is to set up a database set up by her to guarantee some tickets with the Germans without going through María Corina's mayor, but there's more, Delsa is playing hide and seek with her old heart Enrique Márquez in case Edmundo stands in the way. Brother, so far we're good, but if Delsa only got 15,000 votes in a presidential primary, I wonder how many volunteers she can attract? , there I'll leave it for you.

All of them are playing to see who presents the “best plan” and the “most credible” to receive the green light from the Americans.

By the way, over there I have a project that I want to present to Liliana Hernández and Karina Espinoza (those who run the fruit shops) to create a CONTROL ROOM, that is, a CONTROL ROOM to receive information from Venezuela and disseminate it without political bias, not like Luis Peche Arteaga and his room 58 do, because a while ago it stopped being an information center to become a center for positioning opinion matrices, then I'll tell you how the famous Room 58 is financed and who it serves.

Diosdado, I leave you a pearl, they are preparing the funeral of your friend La Sifri's Uncle, that is, of the Unworld. The oldest gravediggers are Vicente Díaz; Henrique Capriles, who no longer has a game and was left to be the jester and the opening act for María Corina; Henry Ramos Allup, who always plays two-way; and Delsa Jenifer, who also learned to play double play, that is, all these little boys and little breasted girls, support Inmundo González while they blow his ear when he sells Enrique Marquez cards, you'll remember me, but the Centrados card, which can't be called a game political because it is a folder with only 10 members, it will end up being the landing strip for the ashes of guys like Capriles who need a card and a lot of Vitafer to be able to revive, of course, they must first pay a lot of money to the fat and the tall.

I will remain in Washington for a while longer to find out what new plan the fascist and surrendering opposition intends to defraud the gringos.