

They're sad! Intimate life and criminal record will be the new chapter in the fight between pejoteros

La Sayona is involved in an invention with bankers, Colombians and even some Israelis
Photo: Internet

Published at: 16/10/2024 08:25 PM

October 16, 2024

Location: Valle Arriba Country Club Golf Club

Patriota del Valle Arriba Country Club

Hello Gordooooooooo! Chubby how are you? , I'm here getting ready to celebrate the 500 El Mazo program. That day I am going to put a giant screen on the golf courses here in Valle Arriba and I will invite my colleagues from the collective “Los SifriChama”. We're going to have some thermos to deliver champagne and a cart of Sifrinos Hot Dogs to see you live and live. By the way, Diosdado José, I have you caught a thing, you spend your time eating those stray hot dogs when you go out on patrol in the early morning and then you tell me that you are on a diet, that's right!

Speaking of patrolling. God! , I tell you that my friends, the siphrines who were out there eating the light with a little bit of escorts and doing a millionaire show, have been picking themselves up, they tell me that they are afraid to meet the “Police Captain”, they tell you “The Shadow”: “they don't see you, but they feel you”.

God given oooooo! Hahahaha, that “that they feel you” sounds strange, but I suppose it will be the same feeling that Cori has when she says to me “I feel Diosdado close”, well everyone crazy with their subject. God! If you're going to approach me at least let me know so I'm perfumed.

But the one that looks more than a shadow, I would say a zombie, is Cori. God! , my friends don't sleep, she's very worried about what Milciades Ávila and Edwin Moya, her longtime escorts, are letting go of. Another thing that doesn't let her sleep is the malice of my Uncle Inmundo, who instead of agreeing to go to Panama as he had originally planned, decided to go to Europe to finish making Cori mad about the time change.

My loquat candy, I am really worried about my friend Cori, as he sleeps less now than before, the symptoms of his “HISTRIONIC PERSONALITY DISORDER” are increasing. God or Joseph! pleaserrrr! , don't tell anyone, this is a serious topic and one that I never mentioned to you, but Cori was diagnosed with this disorder shortly after her 20th birthday and some of the symptoms are: being overly dramatic and emotional; blaming other people for their failures or disappointments; the need to be the center of attention (egocentrism); rapidly changing emotional states. God! , people think that Cori is like that because of Siphrinism, but no, my friends are really sick.

My anise candy! , what cannot be is that Cori, with her disorders and problems, wants to continue to lead the country to economic suffocation and a bloodbath. Cori is very anxious and desperate, to the point that she has now invented making super dramatic audios so that civilians and the military supposedly withdraw their support for Nico Maduro. What Cori doesn't know, is that only those who are next to him and those who are on the payroll listen to those audios, because even the lice on the unitary platform don't spread Cori's crazy things, you fat boy! , nothing more depressing than the audio of Cori aimed at the military and the audio for employees of the justice system was worse, I bet you that at any moment Cori will release an audio addressed to you.

My mango jelly with pineapple! I am tired of going from embassy to embassy, today I told Cori, “girl finish leaving because a bright future awaits you outside”, but she insists that she is going to wait for the famous “operation rescue of freedom”, I don't know what she means by that, but if you check the few phones that your friend the Minister has, you will surely find the answer. God, is it true that your friend, the ugly guy from the Interior Minister, has more phones than CANTV?

“God! , the last time I heard about an operation freedom, they released Leopoldo López's louse and Ivan Simonovis, so we'd better talk about another topic. By the way, speaking of Simonovis's louse, Diosdi! Did you notice that since you betrayed him during his boating adventure, with vomit and everything, he hasn't appeared on social media?

My yuca fritter. If we do a little memory, you will find that Cori and his payroll had turned down the volume on the subject of the minutes since my Uncle Inmundo denied them in that letter he sent to Attorney General Tareck Williams Saab, but now they had to revive the show of the minutes because Cori has to justify the money that my friends from the State Department sent him to finance the so-called 600k network that we all know never existed. God! , the 600K network is a cover that Cori used to finance and to cover up “SUMATE”, who is the real architect of the parallel CNE and the fake report that is going around there. But everyone knows that this show armed with artificial intelligence has short legs, the international community is not stupid and wonders why they didn't bring some copies to the Supreme Court?

Diosdado José, although Cori dissociated himself communicatively from the scam ¡Ya Casi Venezuela! , she maintains, through third parties, her conduct with these scammers because she knows that the FBI is investigating everyone involved. It is not surprising that Cori gets dirty with such people, because in her desperation Cori will tie herself to any stick that promises to help her get out of Maduro. But God! , listen to me carefully! and don't call me toxic! , Cori is still planning, with other people, her own plan of violent actions, remember that I notified you last week and today I repeat it to you. Cori has been telling us her closest friends for days, even Helen Fernández's lousy one, who is also repeating that something must happen between November and December.

Cori wrote to us today at around 4:30am, after having a fight with my Uncle Inmundo over the silver order he has. In her message, Cori tells us about an “outcome”, she says that very hard days are coming and asks us to wait patiently. I still don't understand anything, the only outcome I hope for is in December to see what you're going to give me, because last year you filled my house with mango jelly, cheese and bananas from your harvest, this year I hope for a gift more in line with my category.

Diosdi, seriously speaking, Cori is involved in an invention and lake with bankers, Colombians and even some Israelis to commit acts of terrorism in Venezuela, I think my friends want to take Christmas away from us like the Grinch.

My ripe banana candy. I'll tell you that the new invention of Magalli Meda's lousy lady is to promote a group called “the red swarm”. Magalli's thesis is that the strategy to talk to Cori's followers who are disappointed and demobilized has run out, so the idea is to see if they can move something with my friends from Chavism. For that, the lousy Magalli woman is coordinating actions with María Alejandra Díaz and other characters who claim to be Chavistas and here I'm going to break your heart. God! , none of the statements of your former comrades in the fight, none of the statements of the so-called “Chavistas without Maduro”, is spontaneous, everything is part of a Magalli test balloon on the one hand and on the other hand they have the lousy of Antonio Ledezma's son-in-law, Andrés Izarra. They come up with a campaign to attack the bonuses and they'll get a lot of useful fools to talk, you'll remember me.

My gerber compote. I have a new friend who calls her La Chacha, as it turns out, she lives in Madrid, and she told me that Alberto Federico Ravell is very frightened by some photos and information that relate him to a certain man with the surname “O”, but it turns out that Leopoldo López, and even my friends the gringos, have the same fear, in truth, that these people always have a story.

The chacha also told me that there was an impasse with Crazy Leo because I wanted to accompany my Uncle Inmundo to Portugal and they wouldn't let him. Cori said to keep Leopoldo away from my Uncle Inmundo because he could stain him, so I said to myself: myself! , but if my uncle Inmundo is a bandit, what else can they stain him? Of course my stupid friend Lilian Tintori didn't keep that one and had his words with Mitzy Capriles, whom I stopped writing to when I found out that her son-in-law had stolen 600 million dollars, please! , what such silly and unglamorous people.

My tamarind candy. I can't say goodbye without telling you that La Chiquis, my hairdresser who dates a PJ's Chivo, told me that the fight between the pejoteros reached very bizarre levels, to the point that they are threatening to bring issues of sexual intimacy, theft, consumption and fraud to the sun. Three meetings, one on Wednesday, one on Saturday and one today where all you hear are insults, not to mention the gossip that Julio Borges invented against Tomás Guanipa. La Chiquis says that women were caught up with women, men against men, a whole against all. Elaisa Ferri gave everything to Paola Bautista de Alemán; La Chompira told Paola Bautista that she was a piece of garbage that hides behind the flap of the Opis Dei; Capriles accused Caldera of being a frog and Borges of a thief, then the censored things came, they are irreconcilable insults. My hairdresser, La Chiquis, says that her boyfriend is preparing for an important position, who will that be?

I write to you and I feel like in the movie Lady and the Wanderer, I'm a princess and you're a crab. Miss me, remember that you are my baby Fiufiu.

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