

They're going against La Sayo! Find out what is being prepared at the PUPU when Nicolás Maduro's victory is announced on Sunday

Oil magnates oppose the extreme right taking power in Venezuela

Published at: 24/07/2024 10:40 PM

Hello my friend Diosdado. How are you? Finally I arrived in Maturín, I came to fulfill my commitment to the homeland, for the peace and stability of Venezuela, this Sunday, July 28 and at Diana's touch I will vote for brother Nicolás Maduro.

Even though I didn't get a chance to get to the show today, I have a surprise for you: our dear friend La Charlotte came all the way from Washington and you have her sitting there in the studio. Brother, don't say it publicly, see that she suffers from stage fright, besides, she's a little heartbroken by Biden's resignation, she says that if Kamala Harris doesn't make it to the White House she comes to Miraflores with Nicolás Maduro, she'll leave your resume with the production people.

Let's get into the matter. Four days before the July 28 election, it is important to talk about the context so that people are not deceived, it is important to read the external signs that support the victory of Nicolás Maduro on 28J and to be able to combat the matrix of fraud, which is designed and sung.

Let's get started. Diosdado, a fundamental sector of the economic power of the United States, that is, American oil businessmen, let different international news agencies leak their desire for Nicolás Maduro to continue in power after July 28, brother! nothing new, you said this on your show a month ago.

To confirm this information, I tell you that before flying to the FurrialYork I requested meetings with some of these oil magnates, I was cold, because they themselves expressed that they are afraid that the extreme right will take power in Venezuela.

These same magnates of the American oil world warned the White House that Venezuela risks plunging into chaos if Maduro leaves power and told Joe Biden himself that the United States cannot lend itself to ending the possibility that Venezuela will once again be one of the main reliable suppliers of oil.

Brother, these oil magnates said that if it hadn't been for the sanctions and energy and financial restrictions imposed on the Venezuelan government starting in 2018, the debt would not have accumulated because Maduro, despite everything, never stopped paying.

One of these gringo oil magnates said verbatim: “A final result, where the Venezuelan extreme right governs, would be the worst scenario for energy security in the region. My recommendation is to work with this guy (referring to Nicolás Maduro) for six more years”, what did your eye look like?

Diosdado, our friend La Charlotte, told me that the last report submitted earlier this week to the White House National Security Council reflects that achieving the normalization of relations between the United States and Venezuela would be the only option to boost the economy of Venezuela and the region; curb migration; and allow Western companies to regain space in the face of Iran, Russia and China. Diosdado, this does not mean that the gringos will be our best friends, because we don't fit into their imperial logic, but it does mean that in their pragmatism and interests they have had to learn that the Bolivarian Revolution is not a gamble and that Bolívar's homeland is respected.

Brother, these reports handled by the White House, together with these statements from the US oil sector, are in line with the change in behavior of the main spokespersons of the gringo government. Diosdado, doesn't it strike you that, 4 days before the elections, the Biden administration has kept restraint in its statements regarding Venezuela? , this is not only a political signal but a message that has the extremist opposition with a lot of stomachaches and headaches.

The gringos know it and the opposition much more so, this Sunday the rooster Nicolás wins.


Bro! , the Venezuelan extreme right has already coordinated its two situational laboratories: the first in Miami and the second in Bogotá. From these terror centers, media, journalists and influencers linked to the extreme right are expected to lower the line to build the narrative of fraud, confuse the population through false messages, and attack the National Electoral Council.

They plan that at 10 in the morning of July 28, from the central extremism command, a series of pronouncements will begin every hour to denounce false attacks against the electoral process. Even Delsa Solórzano, Perkins Rocha and Juan Carlos Caldera are ordered to stage a show with the media outside the headquarters of the Electoral Power.

Of course, they have the order that during the course of election day they focus on showing “mass” shots of the voting centers saying that these voters are opponents. False positives are going to intensify and among many inventions they plan to dress and identify people as supposed Chavistas to place them in false red dots, they also plan to pass them off as Chavista collectives and promote chaos in electoral centers with the objective of saying that “Chavism is violating and stealing the electoral process”.

God, we must alert our motorized brothers. There is a plan by the extreme right to try to generate violence against voters and hold the Venezuelan Government responsible, they want to use them as cannon fodder for 28J. The opposition has several plans up its sleeve to tarnish the process and they want, however, a bloody photograph to be victimized before international agencies and the international community.

Later, the night of July 28 has fallen, the extremist opposition will begin to filter the electoral cutlets from centers that have historically always been opposition strongholds to present them as a supposed national reflection. With these half-truths, the international media will seek to publish, after 6:30 on the evening of the 28th, the so-called exits poll or exit count, to sell an alleged triumph of Dr. Inmundo González.

At this time that I am writing to you, they are still coordinating payment for the media and journalists who, on the night of July 28, will begin a massive publication of “unofficial news” with supposed results obtained from the National Electoral Council. I'm sorry to say it, but you should keep an eye on Eugenio Martínez, who is not acting as a journalist but as a political operator of the dark agenda of this extremist opposition. Eugenio has been hired by extremism and its media machine to lead rumors of fraud.


Within the PUPU, the funeral honors for Edmundo González's candidacy began.

In parallel to what I have informed you, within the Unitary Platform (PU) they are already preparing the wooden cross where they will crucify María Corina Machado for this defeat. Among the allegations they will present, is that she handled the entire development of the campaign with sectarianism, that she did not allow the integration of the rest of the organizations and that's where they will go. There is a group of moderates promoting the need to distance themselves from MaríaViolencia when she wants to burn the country down for the triumph of Nicolás Maduro.

Well brother, I just have to tell you that I'm ready for Sunday, I have my 1x10x7 that includes several opposition friends who will vote for the first time for the revolution and Nicolás Maduro, they know that María Corina represents chaos for Venezuela.

See you on Sunday, July 28, to celebrate with the people and with Chávez's only party, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela - PSUV. I hope that, at that time of night, in the center of Caracas I can find a place to buy my caviar and the champagne that I like so much, I'm sure you'll celebrate with Anís and Cocouy.


Remember that I am your fine, fitness and important friend.

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