

They monitor compliance with joint ministerial resolutions on the Caracas - La Guaira highway

In the road classroom, information was provided to drivers about the necessary preventive measures when driving

Published at: 10/02/2024 09:50 PM

Kilometer 0 of the Caracas - La Guaira highway was the starting point for the supervision of the Carnavales Felices and Seguros 2024 device, carried out by G/D Gabriel Aguana Rodríguez, president of the National Institute of Land Transportation (INTT), in which full compliance with joint ministerial resolutions that seek to ensure safe mobility during vacation was inspected.

In this place, a road classroom was installed in which drivers were provided with information on the preventive measures necessary to drive safely, including: correctly using the seat belt, the protective helmet, and not exceeding speed limits, among others.

Later, from the Control Point for Cargo Transportation, located at kilometer 10 of this road artery (Ciudad Caribia), he recalled that only authorized vehicles carrying fuel, food or medicine will be able to travel during these days of Carnival.

The tour continued to the El Trébol distributor, where he met Admiral Juan Carlos Oti Paituvi, general director of the VEN 9-1-1 Command, Control and Telecommunications Centers, with whom he visualized the traffic flow to the coastal entity from the video surveillance vehicle.

Finally, the Division General urged citizens to enjoy carnival festivities in a healthy way, to have a road awareness for life and peace, with the certainty that more than 164,000 officials of the Public Security System are ready and willing to guarantee the protection of the People of Venezuela.


What do ministerial resolutions say?

Since the end of 2023 and to date, three joint resolutions have been published by the Ministries of People's Power for Transportation, and for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace, aimed at transporting cargo and transporting people.

Resolution 0199-089: Establishes guidelines for the authorization of public and private land transport units for people to provide service outside their assigned route.

Resolution 0088-0190: Establishes the maximum allowed speed limit of 45 km/h, as well as the strict use of the right channel, for cargo vehicles with a gross vehicle weight equal to or greater than 3,500 kilograms on the road section corresponding to trunk roads, Pan-American highways, highways, avenues and urban roads.

Resolution 004-002: Establishes the maximum permitted speed limits for motor vehicles, minibuses and buses for public and private use on public roads, namely:

Motorways 70 km/h.
Trunks 60 km/h.
Urban areas 40 km/h.
Intersections 15 km/h.


The Happy and Safe Carnivals 2024 device - in which the INTT has 2,500 officials active to carry messages of Road Awareness for Life and Peace - will be active until next Wednesday, February 14, actions that contribute to strengthening vertex 1 of the Great Mission Quadrants of Peace.