

They locate two bodies and continue to search for the rest of the crew members of a crashed plane in Zulia

Part of the fuselage of the wrecked aircraft was also located, Pérez Amreported

Published at: 10/05/2024 10:31 PM

The Deputy Minister for Risk Management and Civil Protection , Carlos Pérez Am, reported that two dead bodies and part of the fuselage of the plane that crashed this Thursday, May 9, were found in Lake Maracaibo, in the state of Zulia.

The information was provided through his account on the social network X, in which he specified that “two dead bodies and part of the fuselage of the YV-3296 aircraft crashed last Thursday #9May were located in Lake Maracaibo, Edo Zulia ”.

He stressed that “they continue to search for the other crew members”.

Pérez Amexplained that the search operation is a joint effort of members of several State security agencies.

He noted that the search involves members of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB); the Bolivarian National Police (PNB); Civil Protection; Fire Department, Fishermen's Councils, volunteers and staff of the University Superior in Civil Aeronautics, mention Search and Rescue (SAR), of the National Institute of Civil Aeronautics (INAC)).

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