

They evaluate actions and strategies to strengthen road culture in the country

Published at: 27/05/2024 05:29 PM

The Sectorial Vice President for Public Safety and Peace, A/J Remigio Ceballos Ichaso, reported the design of a National Road Safety Plan 2024-2030, as part of the 7T, aimed at reinforcing preventive actions for drivers and pedestrians.

In addition, during the meeting, authorities of the Ministerial Council analyzed the strategies and plans of action related to the patrols of citizen security forces aimed at combating structured criminal organizations.

Regarding the crime rate, the Minister of People's Power for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace, detailed the decrease of 24.3%, compared to the same period in 2023.

Finally, with regard to Risk Management, Ceballos Ichaso explained that before the arrival of the first Tropical Wave in the country, corresponding to the rainy season of 2024, permanent monitoring is carried out, especially of high-risk areas and regions.

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