

They denounce the assassination of another social leader in Colombia

37 social leaders have been assassinated in Colombia during 2024
Photo: Internet

Published at: 30/03/2024 09:59 PM

The Institute for Development and Peace Studies (Indepaz) reported this Saturday the murder of a social leader in the Colombian department of Arauca (northeast).

“Emerson David Silva Martínez was a young leader, former candidate for the Saravena municipal council for the political party Radical Change in the regional elections of October 2023,” Telesur quoted the Colombian entity as saying.

Indepaz also stated that Silva Martínez was kidnapped last February 23 by a group of armed men, while last Wednesday, March 27, his body was found on the road that connects the municipality of Curabá (in the department of Boyacá, west of Arauca) with the municipality of Saravena.

After his murder, 37 leaders were assassinated in 2024.

Mazo News Team/TELESUR