

They can't stand it anymore! María Violencia's ego doesn't give Inmundo a chance and goes up against the PUPU

María Corina Machado, opponent
Photo: Internet

Published at: 29/05/2024 09:36 PM

Lost with Cori somewhere in her madness, May 29, 2024.

Patriota del Valle Arriba Country

Hello Gordooooooooooo! How are you, chubby of my life and my heart? Drink please ooooooor! you're in fashion. I confess that I am in love with all those Chavista people that appear in your photos and videos, I never imagined that those people were so cool, they are always happy, they hug you, they kiss you, and now? , now you're the phenomenon with the lenses, damn it! the lens brands are going to hire you as a model, because here between you and me, you even have flow. When Cori sees your videos, she starts crying right at the part where everyone starts giving you their glasses for you to put on, she would like to feel that.

Diosdi, seriously speaking, I think that's what Cori and our opposition lack, putting on the People's lenses to look at the truth and not the fictitious world they generate based on their ambitions, with their false polls, with their altered images, all from their cold and icy monitoring rooms, when I see you surrounded by a town, it makes me want to leave my luxury wallets, my golf course, my club, but well, I have to remain Cori's friend.

God, let's go on, we're here in Love, Cori decided that her tours are the best excuse to share with Crush, but I won't give you details because you tell me everything and she'll know it was me. Gerardo is a little upset, although the bad tongues say he would be happy to get rid of Cori.

Chubby, I'm very worried, I need you to send me the moringa tea that you prepare. The numbers of the commands and that of the 600K network don't go anywhere. Every day Cori asks me to do something to increase the numbers, but all I need is to offer houses and cars to see if that's how we encourage people, for example, the state of Miranda has a goal of 60,000 commandos and they only have 6,877. At the national level, we did not reach 15% of what was projected. The same thing happens to me with the electoral data, I don't know what else to do to get people in, Cori told me if I had to pay for it, this is the moment when you realize that camera tricks don't work in reality.

Diosdado José, laugh! , do you remember the video of Juan Pablo Guanipa with Cori crossing the Orinoco River? , which by the way seemed to have just come out of a medicine cabinet, well, I recorded that video with Gonzalo, but Juan Pablo became furious because Cori called him “raw little boy”. Guanipa said that the only one who can call it that is you, I'll leave it there.

Money, money, money. My little furrialeño, there is a shortage of money in the Con Venezuela Command and they know that I am not lying. The basic structures are very annoying because they are not being depleted in abundance of resources. On Monday, at a meeting in Bejucal, Cori said that resources were very limited, that there were neither for Edmundo González Urrutia nor for the Unitary Platform and that Ramón Guillermo Aveledo was taking care of that issue, but we are going to explain the truth.

Cori has saved a few million dollars that are distributed in cryptocurrencies, one part is held by Bukele's Jewish friend and another by some people who I'll tell you later. Cori told me that she will not invest another dollar except as strictly necessary. María Corina is keeping all the money because she knows that she is electorally lost. His future plan, if he survives politically, is to create a new MUD, which is why he is collecting all those small parties that, if anything, have 10 members.

Diosdado José, laugh! , my armpits don't hurt anymore because I don't have to wear the banner under my arm. Cori is upset because they are demanding to remove the banner and at the same time call to vote for my uncle Inmundo on all three cards, that is, on the Rosales UNT louse card, the MPV card, and the Unit, but Cori is refusing to do that, and she told me to “throw the old banner out the window”. Chubby I got scared, I thought I had to throw my uncle Inmundo by the car, then I understood that it was the poster, not my uncle.

My mango compote! , we are still fighting with the Platform's lice. They don't want Cori to control things. Today, after 18,990 fights, they decided to release a statement to demand that the CNE reconsider its decision to bring my European friends as observers. Well, my uncle Inmundo's people made a short, very diplomatic and simple statement, surprise! My uncle Inmundo almost had a heart attack when they told him that Cori released another statement with his typical war battery, that is to say that statement that appeared today on my uncle's social networks, not even he knew of its existence, the end of the world.

By the way, my uncle Inmundo's chaperone, Carmen Grijalva, keeps talking shit about Cori, I'm going to tell her.

Diosdado, listen to me. In the world of Cori everything is prefabricated, nothing is spontaneous. Everything that happens, both on the road and in the places where it arrives, is previously monitored by Carlos Fernández, Marco Velazco and José Rolón. In the case of yesterday, Tuesday, when Cori was passing through Morón, the crush pretended that people saw a gray Toyota and said “there goes Cori” and took to the street, please! , Diosdado José, please oooooorrrrr! You know how many gray Toyotas there are in this country, Jesús Lozada and Alby Colmenares prepared that, who did the task of having everything ready for when Cori passed.

Benito, a little gossip. Cori asked me not to give her any calls from Cecilia Arocha and she wants me to delete the photos with her from the search engine. I told you last year that Arocha was a corrupt careerist, but you don't pay attention to me, seriously! You pass yourself up.

Diosdado José, this is the moment where I get toxic, then don't say I warned you. You must be aware of what Cori said yesterday in Barquisimeto about a National Liberation Movement, in the face of the electoral failure of July 28, this is what is coming, a war of warning, it does not kill soldiers.

Ahhhhh! I almost forgot. God! , the man we had in Vente Anzoátegui, Omar González, the confinement at the headquarters of the Embassy of Argentina in Caracas, drives him crazy. The other day he published, by order of Cori, an article about a supposed transition, he also invented that Nico Maduro is ready to negotiate with my friends the gringos, but I don't understand it, because the other day Cori discovered a message asking an emissary to please talk to the government, that he wanted to get out of there, that he was sick and desperate, that he preferred prison, I don't tell you, people go crazy and don't tell you.

My pretty eyes, I'll leave you, I have to start organizing Friday with PJ's lice and then Guatire's, I'll probably see you in Táchira next week. By the way, Requesens is annoying me, he wants us to set up an event for my uncle Inmundo with the students, this child doesn't learn.

I write to you and I feel like in the movie Lady and the Wanderer, I'm a princess and you're a crab. Miss me, remember that you are my baby Fiufiu.

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