

They are very corrupt! Biden's government is disgusted by opposition extremism and its lies

Less than 60 days until the presidential elections
Photo: Internet

Published at: 29/05/2024 09:00 PM

The Ritz-Carlton Georgetown Hotel, Washington, D.C.

May 29th, 2024

Patriot VIP

Hello my friend Furrialeño, how are you? I'm still here in the American capital, going from meeting to meeting, soon we'll have surprises on this side of the world. I took advantage of Memorial Day, or Memorial Day, to go jogging around the Department of Justice and the White House. Speaking of the fallen, I have a blow for you that blew up at the highest leadership of the North American administration.

Bro, a senior source from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) confirmed to me that there is an ongoing investigation against the thug, dragged and sold by Juanito Alimaña for the irregular management of billions of dollars while he was in charge of the Narnia government. The investigation includes the psychopath from Salamanca, alias “El Crazy Leo”, the murderer of children Julio Borges, and other extremists of the Venezuelan opposition who used at will the resources of all Venezuelans and American taxpayers for their supposed “fight for the defense of democracy”.

You know how this system works, gringos create them and then discard them.

My little friend “Charlotte” from The White House, the one I introduced you to last week on Signal, told me that in the Biden administration they are disgusted by these Venezuelan opponents who left Alcapone in his diapers. The gringos are clear that the opposition used the Venezuelan crisis and the imposition of personal sanctions on politicians and businessmen to collect hefty commissions. Diosdado, we all know that gringos have no scruples, but so will this creeping opposition, which disgusts the gringos themselves.

In recent weeks, María Corina and Leopoldo have tried, through their regular lobbyists, to establish contacts with the Biden administration to seek financial support, the order being to tell them “we are standing by”. Speaking of The White House, the delusions of Mrs. MaríaViolencia fell very badly around here, who last week ordered an opinion matrix to sell an alleged negotiation between Nicolás Maduro and the government of Mr. Biden, where Nicolás supposedly asks to “get out of power on a paradise island”, JoJoJoJojo Brother! , apart from being ridiculous, they are professional mythomaniacs, that is as false as Delsa Jenifer did not accept being the presidential candidate JoJoJoJojo.

But the story doesn't end there. That crude theory that Maduro was ready to go, María Violence herself tried to sell it to several PUPU leaders, who, upon hearing it, were very concerned about the mental imbalance that the lady has been presenting in recent weeks. The strategy went so badly for them, that a U.S. official asked the international team at Vente Venezuela to limit themselves to speaking on behalf of the United States and its authorities.

What is true is Washington's willingness to reconfigure diplomatic and commercial relations with Venezuela, including its proposal to reopen the embassy in Caracas after Nicolás Maduro wins on July 28.

Continuing with MaríaViolencia, Brother, the lady is increasingly unfocused and concerned that her plan to obtain international support to promote fraud on July 28 is going uphill. For this reason, from Quinta Bejucal and its conspiracy center located in the Argentine embassy in Caracas, they are going to step up a media campaign to raise the alleged complaints about the lack of electoral guarantees, so much so that they are already considering dynamiting, at the last minute, Inmundo's participation in the elections with the same excuse as always when “fraud” is known to have been lost.

In PUPÚ, the disaster continues, it's the never-ending story. With less than 60 days left until the presidential elections, the political organizations that support the candidacy of old Chapatín are unable to establish a structure that guarantees 100% of the electoral architecture, that is, the members of the table.

By the way, my good friend Diosdado, you are the culprit, if you are the culprit or at least that's what they say in the Doral City Hall and on the news in Miami. Following the complaints that have appeared in El Mazo about the power exercised by the corrupt Mario Villorroel, former president of the Venezuelan Red Cross and his daughter Marion Troitino, the possibility opened up that the mayor of Doral Christi Fraga could be dismissed or face administrative charges.

It all exploded when councilors from the city of Doral discovered that their emails, which contained confidential information, had been reviewed, without authorization, by Villarroel's daughter. Doral councilmembers are denouncing the lack of leadership and transparency in local government. Amid these accusations, the Florida prosecutor's office has confirmed receipt of the complaints and is currently reviewing the case. What needs to be clarified is that these Villarroel families are not Chavistas, as they report in the media, they are a gang of criminals who have always been involved in all the stews.

Well, without trick or trick, the deck is now a source of information for American justice.

Brother, I almost forgot. I still don't understand how you are in the WhatsApp chat of the Vente Venezuela press people, which is run by the criminals Claudia Macero and Jennifer Avila, I suppose they added you to the chat by mistake, be careful who you give your number to. The truth is that media manipulation spreads from this chat, please don't publish everything that is shared there.