

They are the same! The Patarucos don't believe in choices only in their interests (+Gallo Pinto)

Published at: 05/06/2024 09:39 PM

The Venezuelan right wing has been characterized by the violence it represents and calls on every time there are elections, because this political sector has never believed in the electoral process, they only believe in their interests to fill their pockets with what they can steal from the wealth that belongs to Venezuelans.

Today, when we are going to a new electoral contest, that same right that called for sanctions, blockades, invasions and attacks against the Homeland, is trying to disguise themselves as a people to ask for the vote; not to mention that these usual scammers are now trying to steal the symbols of Chavism again.

For this reason, the people of Venezuela, aware that they are in the streets mobilized, reaffirm their commitment to the candidate of the Fatherland, with his rooster pinto: President Nicolás Maduro.

Mazo News Team