

They are moving forward! This is how the recovery work is going at CELARG

Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Internet photo

Published at: 07/02/2024 08:33 AM

Through the social network X, the Minister of Popular Power for Culture, Ernesto Villegas, together with the president of the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Rómulo Gallegos (CELARG), Pedro Calzadilla, showed the progress made in the recovery of this institution, after having started work for the optimal functioning of its facilities.

“This is how the headquarters of the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies “Rómulo Gallegos” in #Altamira, Chacao municipality, #Caracas, is in the process of recovering its infrastructure. Its president, Pedro Calzadilla, explains it,” Villegas wrote on the social network, where he shared an audiovisual.

For his part, Calzadilla indicated that the rehabilitation work undertaken in the spaces on the sixth floor, where classrooms and meeting rooms are located, was fully completed.

“Like new, dignifying the work that is done here, the studies, the training, the literary creation workshops are done here,” he said and said that this is the first phase of recovery, the entire external façade is intervened, as well as the health spaces, libraries, common areas, among others.

At the same time, he noted that after its refurbishment, CELARG will restart its regular programming for the Caracas public.

“We are going to go floor by floor, recovering all the facilities, the library that is very important in this space and we are also relaunching under the new name: Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, we have emphasized a vocation that we hope will develop in the coming years, which is the Caribbean vocation of this institution,” he said.

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