

The shamelessness! The US asks Russia not to talk about its elections

White House National Security Advisor, John Kirby

Published at: 07/09/2024 09:39 AM

The brazenness of the American Government knows no bounds, because while it believes it has the authority to interfere in the internal affairs of each country, it requires that its own be respected. This is the case of the White House National Security Advisor, John Kirby, who warned the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, to “stop talking” about the presidential elections in November in the North American nation.


Kirby's request came after the announcement of the preference of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, for the candidate Kamala Harris. In this regard, he said, “Mr. Putin should stop talking about our elections and stop interfering in them (...) The only people who should determine who is the next president of the United States are the American people.”

Recently, the US sanctioned the Russian media group Rossiya Segodnya and five of its subsidiaries: RIA Novosti; RT; TV-Novosti; Ruptly and Sputnik for alleged interests in influencing the presidential elections in November of this year.

Recently, regarding the Venezuelan presidential elections where President Nicolás Maduro was re-elected, U.S. officials, including Brian Nichols, Undersecretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, and Kirby, expressed their ignorance of the results and of the entire process.

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