

The same as always! The worn-out lies of the opposition

The truth is that Venezuela has the best, most modern and reliable electoral system, which defeated once again the lies of the lackeys of the empire on July 28

Published at: 29/07/2024 05:00 PM

The Venezuelan opposition, in 25 years, has always sung fraud in elections every time it loses.

What it indicates is that he does not recognize the electoral referee and his intentions have never been to participate in elections, but rather that they are trying to take power without a popular vote.

In this electoral process of July 28, 2024, he was no exception either, since it is his way of continuing with violence for the interests of the North American empire and putting on a media show as always.

Here is a sample of this over the years:

Constitutional Referendum of December 15, 1999

The Venezuelan opposition rejected the call for the National Constituent Assembly in April 1999, which opened the way for the popular consultation at the end of that year.

They sought to boycott the consultative referendum, in which the “YES” option won with 71.78% while the “NO” option won 28.22%.

Recall Referendum of 2004

Do you agree with the impeachment of President Chávez? This had the following result: NO: 59.1%; YES: 40.64%.

Henry Ramos Allup indicated that they would dedicate themselves to gathering the evidence to verify, “before Venezuela and the world, the gigantic fraud” and “would formulate specific complaints”. “We are going to show that, following the orders of the President of the Republic, fraud has been perpetrated by the National Electoral Council,” Allup said. Since then, the evidence of the opposition leader has still been awaited.

December 2005 parliamentary elections

On December 4, 2005, the Venezuelan people were called to elect 167 deputies to the National Assembly (AN), 12 deputies to the Parlatino and 5 deputies to the Andean Parliament.

Later, the Copei party, Justice First and Project Venezuela joined.

September 2010 legislative elections

On September 26, 2010, the members of the AN were renewed until 2016. In them, the Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) won 98 deputies and the opposition 67.

Faced with new allegations of fraud by the opposition, prior to the contest, the president of the CNE at the time, Tibisay Lucena, responded directly in statements reviewed by the Orinoco Post Office in May of that year.

“It's normal for people who miss a ballot to shout fraud and they also have every right to present evidence. However, so far the accusations of fraud have not ceased to be media because, although the complaints that have arrived have been treated with the seriousness they deserve, none have been supported or proven,” he said.

The main arguments held by the opposition were that: demographic growth was irregular; the so-called “official advantagism”; and the supposed “predisposition” of voting machines. None of these accusations have been proven before the appropriate legal authorities.

Commander Chávez won the elections with 55.07% of the vote against Henrique Capriles with 44.31%.

Presidential elections 2013

After the physical departure of Commander Chávez, Nicolás Maduro assumed his first presidential candidacy and won Capriles with 50.61%.

One of the most notorious examples of violence by Capriles, after losing a presidential election for the second time in less than a year, irresponsibly sang fraud, an action that caused several deaths.

Presidential elections 2018

Nicolás Maduro was re-elected for a second term with 68% of the votes, despite the opposition calling for abstention.

“This process was not real, we don't recognize it and we demand that new elections be called,” said the losing candidate Henry Falcón.

Meanwhile, on December 2, 2007, during the Constitutional Reform elections and in the 2015 Legislative Elections, the right wing won the victory with the same electoral system that has been held the other days over the years.

The truth is that Venezuela has the best, most modern and reliable electoral system that once again defeated the lies of the empire's lackeys on July 28.

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