

The philosopher broke it! Find out what La Sayo's reaction was after the failure in Maracaibo

María “La Sayo” Machado
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 24/07/2024 10:59 PM

Wednesday, July 24, 2024.

Maracaibo, Santa Lucia sector, facing Pa' Que Luis, in the house with Chávez's face and smile painted on the PSUV card, and a limp poster of Maduro.

Patriota Patricio the Maracucho

What was Diosdado? How are you my dear brother? Look cousin, before I start shooting at all the information I have for you, I inform you that I went to the organization and electoral mobilization meeting of the PSUV here in Zulia as you asked me to. Just so you know, here the structure is 100% organized to mobilize all the votes for Super Mustache. Over there I heard a colleague from the party say that in recent years the PSUV was not as organized and oiled in Zulia as it is now.

Diosdado do you remember my colleague who is the driver of the line of pushchairs in Bella Vista and who is a member of A New Time? Well brother, in line at the center to pick up passengers, that colleague told us that Manuel Rosales, alias “The Philosopher of Zulia” is still very disappointed with the exclusive and disrespectful treatment given to him by María Corina, alias “La Sayo”, but that's not all. My friend says that the UNT militancy and the supporters of Rosales are also clogged up, so there is no security of mobilizing opposition votes in Zulia.

Brother, sit down because you're going to be crazy with the atomic bombs I have for you, but of course, brother swear to me because you're not going to tell anyone because they're conversations only between you and me, you have to be discreet, see that I trusted you more than Tarzan in the monkey cheetah.

Diosdado, do you remember when I informed you that La Sayo held a video call with former Colombian presidents Álvaro Uribe, alias “El Paraco”, and with Iván Duque, alias “El Porky”, and in that conversation Uribe had recommended that María Corina manufacture a false positive against him to blame the Venezuelan government and her victimize herself? Well brother, La Sayo bought the idea from Uribe and told Magalí Meda, alias “La Commadre”, to find people to attack their vehicles and say that this was an attack by Chavism. They didn't count that you already had the information thanks to Patrick's counterintelligence services and you were able to catch those responsible for the self-attack, who by a certain cousin, told me that the person involved in the false positive sang more than the late Juan Gabriel. Cousin, I also recommend that you keep track of La Sayo and her people, they are capable of throwing a self-attack on the Inmundo to say that he didn't make it to the election day because of the government and not because of his poor health.

Diosdado, La Sayo ordered all the journalists and news agencies that are on his SÚMATE payroll to act like “Shakira” on the subject of the self-attack on their vehicles; he ordered them to ignore the issue of the leaders of Vente Venezuela who tried to assassinate the deputy of Cambiemos at the UCV Inacio Dacosta; he ordered them to silence the failure of Sunday's event in Chacao, then they talk about democracy, but they maintain a communication dictatorship.

Brother, did you see the news about the five mayors of the state of Trujillo who declared themselves independent and supported the Super Mustache candidacy? Well cousin, you know that one of those mayors is a very good friend of mine and he told me that they decided to make the decision to separate from the command of María Corina because in recent days they carried more sticks than a bagpipe drum on the part of the extremist opposition. The mayors said that no more impositions would be imposed on the buds of Caracas and that they would not lend themselves to setting fire to the country after the CNE announced the electoral victory of Maduro. Primo, you have to give these mayors a prize, they have more value than me when you sent me to travel all the way with Sayo to hear all their crazy things and inventions.

Look at Diosdado, hold on tight because I have all the twists from Inmundo González's act with La Sayo and Manuel Rosales at Zulia. Primo began with the meeting between Manuel Rosales and Inmundo Gonzales in Caracas on Thursday of last week, where Rosales told Inmundo that he, as leader of the state of Zulia, should play a much greater role in the closing ceremony. Inmundo, who is a governor of La Sayo, told him that he would do his best to convince María Corina. Sayo still ruled out Rosales and left the mobilization in the hands of Gustavo Ruiz and Juan Pablo Guanipa, so they started to fart again.

Brother, who half managed to save the mobilization was the Philosopher of Zulia, since he wanted to show Sayo who was in charge, so the act, which was still a failure because it was such an important state as Zulia, was full of employees of the government and the mayors of Maracaibo, San Francisco, Santa Rita, Cabimas, Lagunillas, Simón Bolívar, Catatumbo, La Villa and Machiques, all by Manuel's orders.

Diosdado, at first the act involved moving forward by car, because Edmundo González, due to his delicate state of health, cannot get agitated or walk long distances. The idea was to end up on a platform in the Plaza de la República where La Sayo would speak without giving the floor to Rosales, but that plan mysteriously fell through and Rosales had to decide by renting a truck to move forward as if it were a carnival wagon. Primo, La Sayo got into her demons and she said that she was leaving, that she wasn't going to ride next to Rosales, but her own people convinced her that it would be a political mistake not to appear in the picture, so La Sayo, against her will, set up but put Juan Pablo Guanipa, alias, “Tequeño Crudo”, by her side to let Rosales know that this will be the candidate she will support for the governor of Zulia.

Primo, in the end Rosales came out on top in all this trouble because he forced Sayo to get in the truck with him. Diosdado, what made me most crazy about all this mango rice was the stalking attack she gave to Sayo in the middle of the trip, where she got out of the truck and left the rally, being rude even to the people who attended the event. Turns out that while the truck was rolling, some people from Un Nuevo Tiempo started shouting at La Sayo and Tequeño Crudo, calling them traitors up there, they told them to the point of evil that they were going to die. Brother, all this I'm telling you, I saw and heard it live and live, this happened on the corner of Dorsay and Avenida 5 de Julio. Primo confirmed yesterday that Rosales and María Corina hate each other more than Batman and the Joker.

Well brother I'm leaving you because I must continue with mom doing the call center for the voters that we are going to mobilize in Saint Lucia to vote for Super Mustache.

Brother, I love you more than a three-story mixed cabimera arepa, with plenty of chorizo, extra pork service, plenty of tartar sauce, garlic sauce and a wheel of zebu cheese, with its respective three-liter Big Cola and for dessert an icaco and coconut fudge with plenty of chocolate and heavy cream.

See you at Sunday's celebration, for the Fatherland and for the country.

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