

The People commemorated 20 years of Commander Chávez's Anti-Imperialist Declaration (+photos)

The people's commitment to the Bolivarian Revolution was demonstrated in the Anti-Imperialist March in Caracas
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 29/02/2024 05:59 PM

This Thursday, the Chavista People accompanied the Great Caravan and March for the 20 Years of Commander Chávez's Anti-Imperialist Declaration, where the nationalist spirit sown in the People by the Eternal Commander of the Bolivarian Revolution overflowed.

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, accompanied by a sea of people, thanked the commitment of the People who filled “the streets with their anti-imperialist and Bolivarian passion from north to south, from east to west”.

He also recalled the courage of Commander Chávez 20 years ago when, accompanied by this same people, he addressed the North American empire with a strong message demonstrating his patriotic and anti-imperialist character.

“That day was unforgettable, part of his speech Captain Diosdado Cabello remembers every Wednesday, I wanted to bring it today (videos of the Commander's words) because for us Chávez is alive, he is present, he is alive and his legacy goes with us,” he said.

The national president warned the United States (USA) that the people who took to the streets today are prepared for each of the battles to come.

“Let Washington know it, let the owners of the extreme right circus know, a few words to the best of us (...) we are barely warming our arms up for the coming battles, it has been the secret formula,” he said on the platform located on the Gran Cacique Guaicaipura highway, in Caracas.

In this public intervention, the first national magistrate celebrated the completion of the dialogue process for the preparation of the proposed electoral calendar, in which all the sectors that live in the country participated in order to ensure that it is as comprehensive, complete and inclusive as possible.

He also denounced that imperialism and the Venezuelan opposition plan to finish “robbing and dismembering CITGO”, a company that belongs to all Venezuelans and that the United States government denies Venezuela its legitimate defense before the courts.

“The criminals with the last names come with the plan to dismember CITGO. Alert! They kidnapped CITGO, they deny us the right to defense in the gringo courts; they distributed the loot of (Juan) Guaidó, L. Leopoldo Lópe z, (Henrique) Capriles, the (María Corina) Machado, the (Antonio) Ledezma, the loot of billions of dollars was distributed, more than 5 billion physical dollars were stolen; the company CITGO costs, its current value is more than 12 billion dollars and they have the plan, as I denounce it, in the coming of being stolen and dismembered from CITGO in Revenge against the People of Venezuela,” he said.

Along with leaders, directors of the PSUV, political parties of the Patriotic Pole, Social Movements and the Plain People, Diosdado Cabello traveled avenues and streets along the march until he reached the platform located in the Botanical Garden where 20 years ago Commander Hugo Chávez made the Anti-Imperialist Declaration in the name of Venezuela.

“20 years ago we met here with the Giant Chávez, he took off a straitjacket worn by the People of Venezuela, here in this space Commander Chávez announced to the world and told the world, in very simple words, that in Venezuela there is a Revolution and also by its anti-imperialist nature, a Revolution that does not surrender to any empire,” he emphasized.

According to Deputy Cabello, Commander Chávez spoke out here and turned Venezuela, the Bolivarian Homeland, into a beacon and guide for free peoples.

“For a people to be free, it must necessarily be anti-imperialist,” Cabello said during the massive rally held in Caracas.

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