

The opposition collapses without definitive leadership

Published at: 01/05/2024 09:37 PM

The opposition continues with the internal division, since in different interviews some spokespersons have assured that there are many with fake smiles in front of the cameras, as Reinaldo Sifuentes said.

For Simón Calzadilla, there is an apparent unity, despite this, Neymar Hernández, assured that some of the parties have tried to unify.

Ramón José Medina believes that politics has become very rare and that “we have an opposition against the government and an opposition against the opposition.

Edmundo González Urrutia hesitates while trying to convince the population that he is the right candidate; for his part, Antonio Ecarri has a government plan. “I don't have a replacement rubber complex,” he said.
José Brito added that they are presenting a plan B, while Enrique Márquez maintains that he does not want to be plan B, which seeks to solve the conflict that addresses them.

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