

The Novel by the Inscription: Electoral Passion

Published at: 27/03/2024 10:34 PM

María Corina Machado's acceptance that she could not register could not be worthy, but that the lady had to keep putting on a show, continue to deceive her followers, and reinforce the script of the tyrant, evil, Machiavellian government that does not allow democracy to flourish.

Despite the fact that more than 10 people were able to register to participate in the presidential elections, the Machado clan insists on saying that it was not possible by equis or by y; and in this way promote the reasons why their masters are created with the right to intervene in the internal affairs of Venezuela.

What is true is that with just four months to go until July 28, the candidates are already running, and Mrs. Machado is not going”, even though she swore that without her she would not there would be elections.

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