

The MP goes to your community! Prosecutor Tarek William Saab led pet care day

Tareck William Saab, Attorney General of the Republic
Photo: Internet

Published at: 22/05/2024 12:57 PM

This Wednesday, the Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab, led the day care for pets and the dissemination of animal protection law as part of the operation “The Public Ministry goes to your community”.

From the Plaza Parque Carabobo near the headquarters of the Public Prosecutor's Office in Caracas, the Attorney of the Republic indicated that they have made “every effort to make visible how important it is for a society to respect, care for and safeguard animals as living beings.”

“We have made the effort and we have placed an important grain of sand in the approval of a new Animal Protection Act,” he said.

In this regard, he stressed that since 2021, with the submission to the National Assembly of the Animal Protection Bill, the Public Ministry has been attending “at all costs to the efforts made to defend animals and the environment

“87 employees, including general managers and line managers, are present at the big day of attention.” In addition, the prosecutor added that a day of comprehensive veterinary care, deworming, application of a vaccine is being developed on a day that has the support of Misión de Nevado.”

104 complaints have been received, 239 referrals have been received and 90 cases have been expedited, the prosecutor said.

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