

The May Cross: Tradition, Faith and Culture (+anniversary)

This festival celebrates the start of the harvest and announces the arrival of the rainy season
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Published at: 03/05/2024 08:13 AM

Every May 3rd, the Venezuelan people dress in colors, honor the Holy Cross with their songs and prayers, a festival that celebrates the beginning of the harvest and announces the arrival of the rainy season.

The altar is usually made with an arched and very well carved bitter cane frame, forming a kind of niche lined with sheets and adorned with colored ribbons.

According to the Catholic Church, this date was conceived to celebrate the discovery of the Cross of Christ by the mother of the Roman emperor Constantine.

In Venezuelan lands, this celebration adorns towns and churches with the strength of the people who, with faith, stand before this image to thank for what they have received and ask for what will come.

Mazo News Team