

The Guácharo Cave was declared a Natural Monument of Venezuela 75 years ago

It offers visitors a tour with dazzling beauty, through its strange formations on the walls of the cave and the screaming of the birds that inhabit the place.

Published at: 15/07/2024 08:02 AM

On July 15, 1949, La Cueva del Guácharo was declared a Natural Monument of Venezuela, a mountainous area located in the Acosta and Caripe district of the Monagas and Ribero state of the Sucre state.

It has an area of approximately 15,500 hectares, accompanied by attractive rivers such as Cariaco, Guarapiche, Caripe and Quebrada de Cerro Negro.

The Guácharo nocturnal bird lives there, as well as bats, insects, rodents, arachnids, beetles, the araguato monkey Alouatta seniculus, the capuchin monkey Cebus nigrivittatus, the cowboy Tayassu tajacu, the tiger or jaguar Panthera Onca, puma or American lion Felis concolor tigrillo Leopardus wiedii, water dog Pteronura brasiliensis.

It offers visitors a tour with dazzling beauty through its strange formations on the walls of the cave and the screaming of the birds that inhabit the place.

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