

The gringos don't believe him! La Sayo seeks to cover up the failure of commandos and the electoral defeat (+fraud)

La Sayo has tried to cover up its failure with the gringos, selling the supposed theory that Chavism will execute electronic fraud for 28J

Published at: 19/06/2024 10:41 PM

Lincoln Memorial - Washington D.C.

June 19th, 2024


Hello my friend Furrialeaño. How are you? Go there then bro: There are 39 days left for Maduro's victory, and right here in the United States, the Biden administration has already begun to set up what will be the new foreign policy towards Venezuela after July 28.

I can tell you that the gringo ambassador, Francisco Palma de Coco, is eager to set foot in Caracas, to walk around Miraflores, to meet Maduro, and he even dreams of settling in what would be his office in Colinas de Valle Arriba, if it were up to him, he would have already done that task a few months ago.

The truth is that, unfortunately for the extremist opposition and homeland vendetour, there is an interest in holding talks between Washington-Caracas, but ask Palma de Coco himself. Although opinions remain divided in the US administration, everything indicates that the majority is inclined to recognize Maduro and to move forward in the re-establishment of official relations between the two countries.

Last weekend, our friend Charlotte, from La White House (please say hello to her and her colleagues who later complain that I didn't tell you), sent me a signal telling me that the gringos called La Sayo a chapter because she promised, at the beginning of the year, that she had everything ready for the assembly of a mega-electoral and mobilization structure, but everyone is already aware that María Corina could not meet that goal, so it is in the process of being discarded.

María Corina is desperately calling for people to join the commandos, but I tell you that what little they have managed to put together will be the façade they will use to generate points of chaos, violence and guarimba after the announcement of the results of July 28.

La Sayo has tried to cover up her failure with the gringos, selling the supposed theory that Chavism will execute electronic fraud by July 28, hahahaha, María Corin is going to go to a psychiatric hospital. The Biden administration already sees her as a person who is not right in her head, which is why they have sent messages to some sectors and figures of the opposition, so that they begin to distance themselves from the madness of La Sayo.

Speaking of crazy things... Extremism never loses its bad tricks and since they know they will lose, they start the crazy hour. Pay attention that I come with an important complaint and I warn my brothers in the Armed Forces: Jorge Betancourt, a member of Popular Will and one of the main operators of the Green Branch Monster and, alias “Crazy Leo”, together with the thug and serial criminal of Jhonathan Marín, former mayor of Guanta, are seeking to approach police and military officials in Venezuela, promising to remove sanctions in exchange for millions of dollars and for them to be turned over to Nicolás Maduro.

The method of extorting with sanctions returned. A co-worker told me that they have already tried to contact several. The alliance between Jorge Betancourt and Jonathan Marín is being monitored. They claim to have contacts in the White House, in the State Department and the Department of the Treasury, to lift sanctions and thereby collect commissions. Bare eyes with this.

Bro, batteries with what comes...

When the formal start of the electoral campaign is imminent, Quinta Bejucal is setting up not a campaign, but a media war to bomb the conduct of the July 28 elections. With this, they will seek to attack two key axes:

1.- Position before the international community the alleged theories of fraud, the lack of electoral conditions and process guarantees. They will use false positives to victimize themselves, they will report that they are threatened with death, that they are being attacked, that they are being harassed, persecuted, etc. With this, they want to pre-lobby what will be the imminent defeat of the opposition at the polls.

2.- They are building messages to attack the most vulnerable sectors of the country, there is an advisor they hired only to address segments E and D with the intention of confusing them with false promises and deception.

For this plan, they are hiring large mass communication agencies in Panama, Spain, England and the United States.

I'm still in Washington, soon I'll move because something doesn't smell good in Colombia.

I am your fine and important friend.