

The General Staff of Health refines strategies to strengthen the care of Anzoatiguenses

First meeting of the General Staff of Health in Anzoátegui
Photo: Courtesy

Published at: 22/01/2024 10:23 AM

The Single Health Authority of the state of Anzoátegui, Liafran Figueredo, held the first meeting of the General Staff of Health in the entity, to provide guidance and refine strategies to strengthen care for the people and healthcare centers in the region, through the 1×10 of Good Governance.

The meeting was attended by directors of the Anzoátegui Health Institute, coordinators of Health Programs, directors of hospitals, specialized clinics, representatives of PDVSA, the Autonomous Health Comptroller's Office (SACS), and other authorities.

Figueredo said that this year they will make progress in structural improvements to strengthen care with the incorporation of equipment in ophthalmology, resonance, mammography, x-rays, provision of supplies, activation of mobile units, provision of pregnancy kits and rehabilitation of other spaces, reported Prensa MPPS.

It also appointed commissions to respond to the 1X10 Good Governance policy, BRICOMILES, social contributions, surgeries, care statistics and lives saved. “In Anzoátegui, the flag has been raised in achieving goals.”

For her part, the Regional Coordinator of the Barrio Adentro Mission Foundation (FMBA), Yemaira Villasmil, urged health teams to strengthen integration capacities, loyalty to work, unity to carry out communication tasks, respect for the patient, as well as to continue compliance with activities related to the Venezuela Women Mission and Health Programs such as: Environmental, Health goes to the School, institutional workforce care, Firefly Plan and Surgical Plan; the latter will begin with force in the month of March.

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