

The Fascist International: The Global Network of Power that Threatens Peoples' Sovereignty (+infographic)

The enemies of free and sovereign peoples have organized themselves to subdue developing nations, especially Venezuela

Published at: 24/09/2024 04:41 PM

In a world increasingly convulsed by the oppressive forces of imperialism and oligarchy, new evidence comes to light of the perverse alliance between the international right, big technological capitals and hegemonic powers. The infographic revealed, which describes the functioning of the Fascist International, is a clear example of how the enemies of free and sovereign peoples have organized themselves to subject developing nations, especially Venezuela, to the yoke of foreign domination.

A New Technological and Financial Aristocracy

Capitalism has found new tools to perpetuate its domination. Figures like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos, with their technological empires, not only control economic resources but also global information and media. Through their platforms - X (formerly Twitter), Meta and Amazon - they exercise almost absolute control over the media narrative, distorting the truth, criminalizing sovereign governments, such as that of Venezuela, and promoting destabilizing agendas around the world. These corporations do not respond to the interests of the People, but to a new aristocracy that only seeks to increase its wealth and power, to the detriment of social justice and world peace.

The Military Arm of Imperialism

It is not surprising that the United States Government, through its State Department, the CIA and the DEA, acts as the military arm of this Fascist International. These agencies not only finance and arm mercenaries, but they also conspire to destroy any sovereign nation project. They join their eternal ally, the State of Israel, in a global crusade to crush any movement for the self-determination of Peoples, especially in Latin America. Behind these agencies lies the real monster: the Military-Industrial Complex, in a dark alliance between big oil corporations such as ExxonMobil, the Pentagon and the forces of the Southern Command.

The trap of multilateral organizations

Under the guise of “international cooperation”, organizations such as the United Nations (UN) and the European Union have become pawns in this network of domination. What should be a space for dialogue and cooperation has become an area where imperialist powers impose their rules and sanction those who do not kneel before their dictates. This machinery is used to legitimize military interventions, economic sanctions and blockades that suffocate Peoples that do not submit.

The Think Tanks of the Right: Laboratories of Ideological Warfare

Red Atlas, the National Foundation for Democracy (NED) and other organizations that present themselves as promoting “democracy”, “freedom” and “free market” are in fact laboratories of ideological warfare. From these trenches, strategies are developed to destabilize progressive and revolutionary governments. Its mission is clear: To undermine the advances of peoples who fight for a model of social justice, economic independence and political sovereignty. In Latin America, these ideas are promoted by entities such as the Inter-American Press Association (IAPA) and the International Foundation for Freedom (FIL), which have been trying to undermine the stability of the Bolivarian Revolution for decades.

The Venezuelan Right: Traitors in the Service of the Empire

In this scheme of global domination, Venezuelan right-wing homelands play a key role. The so-called Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), led by María Corina Machado, Leopoldo López, Juan Guaidó and other traitors, is nothing more than a tool of imperialist interests. These characters, known by their surnames and their relationship with the oligarchies, are financed by the Organization of American States (OAS) and other bodies controlled by Washington, with the objective of destroying the Bolivarian Revolution and surrendering our Homeland to the forces of foreign capital.

Violent Groups and Media Warfare: The Weapons of Fascism

Fascism not only uses political and economic elites, it also relies on illegal violent groups such as the Tren del Llano and the Tren de Aragua, as well as Colombian paramilitaries. These armed groups, financed and trained by imperialism, seek to generate chaos and fear among the population to justify foreign military intervention. At the same time, a network of influencers and bot farms (led by characters such as Marko, Diosa Canales and La Divaza) are responsible for poisoning public opinion with messages of hate and disinformation, to create an environment favorable to imperialist interests.

The fight continues: They won't happen!

The Venezuelan people, together with the revolutionary movements of Latin America and the world, are still fighting. The promise is that the Bolivarian Revolution will not bow to the attempts of the Fascist International to subject our sovereignty to transnational interests. While the fascists plan from their luxurious offices, the sons of Bolívar and Chávez are tasked with continuing to build a free, just and sovereign country as dictated by their legacy in the streets, which is their natural habitat.

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