

The fairytale is over! Find out why the wolf Inmundo González is pulling out his claws at La Sayo

Chespirito and La Sayo fight for opposition leadership

Published at: 04/09/2024 11:51 PM

Wednesday, September 04, 2024.

Maracaibo, Santa Lucia sector, diagonal to Pa' Que Luis, in the white house with red bars that has a Chávez banner and a mushy sign that says “WE WON WITH MADURO”


Patriota Patricio the Maracucho


What was Diosdado? How are you my dear brother? Look cousin, the river is more messy than a three-phase tamarind juice, with mango and cambur, you see that there's nowhere to start, all I know is that, with what I'm going to tell you, you're going to be crazier than Saint Nicholas handing out toys at Easter.

Brother, let's start with the softie that is still caught between María Corina, alias “La Sayo”, with the wife and daughters of Inmundo González, alias “Chespirito”. La Sayo is more confused than a clown at a funeral, first she wanted Chespirito to go to Panama to get rid of the Unworld, but now La Sayo wants her to stay in Venezuela, later you will understand why.

Sayo sent the instruction to Chespirito that he must continue to ignore the institutions of the Venezuelan State; that he must insist that he won the elections because they have in his possession some records that are more false than the Power Ranger fights, but cousin! , Inmundo and his relatives like this idea because they want to leave the country to be safe and to be able to move forward with the plan to be sworn in as persecuted president and in exile, because Inmundo González is not as stupid as we thought, the wolf disguised as a grandfather began to believe that he is the president and is pulling out his claws, that fight between the González and La Sayo is not going to end well, you'll remember mine.

Diosdado, you know that La Sayo feels more frustrated and powerless than me when I go to a public restroom and there's no paper. She feels that way because her plan to sabotage the national electricity system failed. La Sayo wanted people to take to the streets to protest and thus be able to infiltrate the fascist commandos and set fire to the country, generating acts of violence just as they did the day after the elections. Thank God, La Sayo once again was left like the joke of the San Blas pier, “alone and forgotten”, because Venezuelans demonstrated a very high level of awareness and a lot of confidence that the Bolivarian government would defeat this new attack by extremist groups.

Brother, the country stayed calm and at home on the day of the sabotage. So you know that when mom went out the electricity she took advantage of taking out the old Ludo board she had in storage and we started playing Ludo with the neighbors. By the way, brother, I, Patricio el Maracucho, want to recognize the work and the quick response of the national government together with the workers of CORPOELEC to restore electricity service in record time and restore peace of mind to our people, a strong cousin against the fascists.

Continuing on with our business, do you remember that I once told you that I was dating a communications wretch from Vente Venezuela? The joke that he had left me because of me and that was more ordinary than a halaca tied to a teipe? Well brother, that shit once got me into a SIGNAL group where they were pure journalists hired by María Corina, but after we ended our relationship, she forgot to remove me from the group and this week I was able to confirm that La Sayo, through several channels, sends important “donations” to digital portals to publish false news with the objective of confusing the population and destabilizing the country. Among these portals are: Tal Cual, VPI, El Pitazo, Efecto Tocuyo, Politiks, Armando Info, Monitoreamos, El Stimulo, Run Runes, plus a stack of influencers and journalists. Sayo supports these communication warfare laboratories thanks to the resources it receives from bankers, ExxonMobil and even groups related to drug trafficking and Colombian paramilitarism. Meanwhile, María Corina spends astronomical amounts on communications, but at Vente Venezuela we haven't received payment for our allowances for a long time.

Diosdado, you know that I have several patriots who cooperate in the closed team of Leopoldo López, alias the “Princeso de Salamanca”, and Juan Guaidó, alias “Juanito Alimaña”. My patriots just gave me information that I triangulated with people that we have covered up in Popular Will and they want you to personally send it to Super Mustache. According to my information, the Princess of Salamanca and Juan Guaidó are looking for resources in the United States with very powerful economic groups to re-hire American and Colombian mercenaries in order to develop a new edition of “Operation Gideon” that would take place next December to overthrow Super Mustache and swear in Inmundo in January 2025.

According to Pinky and Cerebro, that is, Guaidó and Leopoldo, it is best to carry out this attack on the country in the month of December because people are unprepared for their Christmas tasks. Primo, now everything makes sense, which is why La Sayo wants Chespirito to stay in Venezuela and not go to Panama as planned. María Corina's new bet is for Chespirito to stay so he can be sworn in the moment when the mercenaries depose, according to them, Super Mustache.

Brother, but that's not all. I also learned that Iván Simonovis, alias “El Venado”, is moving around the United States with plagiarized presentations trying to convince potential “donors” to provide him with 100 million dollars to carry out a surgical operation and arrest President Maduro, but he doesn't have it easy. Primo, in this same business there is a pussy called Eric Prince, who is also trying to collect 600 million dollars, there is also the Princess of Salamanca who wants to collect 1.2 billion, everyone says they will do exactly the same thing: attack Super Mustache, what these pussies don't know is that they are surrounded.

Diosdado like you always tell me to be aware of what is happening in Zulia, you know that the patriot of the Bella Vista pushchairs in Maracaibo told me that the US ambassador, Francisco Palmieri, alias “Palma de Coco”, called Manuel Rosales himself to show solidarity with Chespirito for the arrest order, but not to mention La Sayo. They say the bad tongues that Palma De Coco and Manuel Rosales are more suspicious than a boatman passing by the house at 3:00 in the morning, apparently Rosales is one of their favorites. Primo, you know that Enrique Márquez is also a maracucho, and the people of A New Time hate him, the other day a patriot from that party, he told me that the CNE card seller is receiving bills through an NGO that hides behind the topic of Autism, he also told me that there are some receipts that come from a person linked to the extinct BOD bank, he also told me some issues of sexual perversion but cousin it makes me very sad to talk about those things, better all that I pass on to you in private.

Brother and to finish I inform you that La Sayo wrote to me, she asked me to please go to Caracas to accompany her because with the arrest of Biagio Pilieri she feels very alone. María Corina distrusts Delsa Solorzano and Juan Pablo Guanipa because she says that those two are just waiting to be put in jail to take her leadership away, but María Corina warned that if she falls they will all fall, since they too are involved in the parallel CNE plot and in the case of the forging of electoral records.

Cousin like me, I have to go to the SEBIN course in Caracas, the safest thing is that I will visit you in the office of the Ministry of Interior and Justice to leave you some egg cookies and some gypsy arms that mom made for you, by the way brother, mom is already taking out the Christmas tree and decorations because she heard that Super Mustache decreed the Christmas advance for October 1st and you know that mom really likes Christmas and all that stuff.

Well brother you take care of me, what I love you is cock. I love you more than rice with stewed chicken, with Russian salad, with mashed potatoes, rice and slices of ripe banana, with its respective 3-liter Big Cola and for dessert a one-kilo ice cream jar that has three flavors: chocolate, strawberry and vanilla.

You take care of me dear cousin.

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