

The dynamic trio! Leopoldo, Guaidó and Vecchio seek to save themselves from a trial in the US in the CITGO case

The dynamic trio at the load
Photo: Internet

Published at: 24/01/2024 10:27 PM

January 24th, 2024

Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Washington by Diosdado Cabello

Patriot VIP

My friend Diosdado, how are you?

I arrived in Washington this morning to see what's going on around here. The cold is strong I am using heaters and I always carry my bottle of vodka to warm myself up, by the way, what do you drink to get rid of the cold, don't tell me to cook?

Bro! I found everything upside down for the Venezuelan opposition. In a corner Leopoldo, Guaidó and Vecchio running from one side to the other because they know that the CITGO thing will bring them serious legal accusations and even go to jail, let's remember that CITGO is from Venezuela, but it is a company that is governed and managed by North American laws. Brother I don't fail you, do you remember that last week I told you that they would be in Washington, in the same hotel where I'm staying? And that's how it was, in the end I'll share a photo with another character that you should keep an eye on. On the other corner we have the convening disaster, that of Mrs. Machado, there is no way or way to justify yesterday's fiasco.

Brother, I feel sorry for others, even with the gringos, because the activity had been sold as the beginning of the great opposition electoral campaign and for that they asked for a lot of tickets. The good thing is that the boring analysts at the State Department, who sold her as a great leader, have already begun to hesitate. Oh father! (miii syllaaaaaaaa, my syllaaaaaa)

Another thing, in the middle of the day yesterday, the owners of websites, influencers and commentators *received calls from Quinta Bejucal, * asking them, not to mention begging them, to position a more aggressive line to say that “thousands and thousands of people” participated in the opposition act. Several complained to them because, no matter how much payment they received, there was no way to support such a lie, so they chose to activate their entire communication network to victimize themselves, to denounce persecution, to denounce the lack of an electoral schedule and that Mr. Mustache was in breach of the Barbados agreements, the truth is that damage control has been very bad.

Bro, since the street doesn't work, the digital war begins, we have to prepare.

Do you remember that I recently warned you that they were preparing an international campaign to brand Venezuela as a “Failed State”? One of the objectives is to generate an opinion matrix and an international lobby for the Biden administration to reimpose sanctions on April 18.

Well, my sources tell me that the campaign starts from this Sunday, January 28 to April 15, the day of your birthday. They will launch a series that will be broadcast through social networks, a mess called “The Chavista Plague”, has a documentary format and is being produced by the criminal Gustavo Tovar Arroyo, who financed the guarimbas in 2014 and the Mexican Festival, do you remember that case?

There are 14 episodes and they are making efforts to get television media in the hemisphere to broadcast it. It's time to call for the fight of ideas. In the networks, in the programs, they must take the best spokespersons, Chavistas and not Chavistas, but who defend the country in order to counter this.

My Friend, I'm not wrong, the dynamic trio: Vecchio, Leopoldo and Guaidó met in Washington and took advantage of seeing their friend from the Wilson Center (former USAID member) and as a result I say goodbye with a series of questions that when you manage to answer them you will discover another plot of corruption and conspiracy against Venezuela: Did you know that the Think Tank Wilson Center is run by Mark Green? Did you know that Mark Green was the USAID administrator when he was in office? Did you know that Mark Green will one day have to declare how and where the American taxpayers' money given to the fictitious government of Guaidó ended up? Another question; has the Wilson Center asked its donors for permission to take resources from this Think Tank and pay for part of the material for the primary election party favors? Could it be that they are laundering money in the United States through this Think Tank? I leave you the photo of the three little angels that the North American Congress should investigate.

Remember that I am your fine and important friend, change and go.

Mazo News Team