

The Deck doesn't deceive! Opposition sectors support Manuel Rosales's (+desperate) candidacy

Published at: 13/03/2024 11:40 PM

Recently, opposition parties came out to confirm what El Mazo had already warned, that given the disqualification of María Corina, they were going to rush out to support and promote Manuel Rosales' candidacy for the elections presidential elections.

La Sayo had to see the messages of the Unitary Platform parties agreeing to support the candidacy of Manuel Rosales,” said the first vice-president of United Socialist Party of Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello, reading one of its cooperating patriots.

In addition, this support for Rosales is not new, it comes from last year when Henrique “Chatarrita ” Capriles began to meet and hold meetings with the Philosopher of Maracaibo (Manuel Rosales ), information that also, by the way, the Mazo announced.

For this reason, now La Sayona's cries for “her sillaaaaaa” are getting louder... While Rosales continues to sharpen that saw.

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