

The Deck doesn't deceive! Leopoldo and Guaidó try to do damage control in the US with the CITGO issue

Opponent Juan Guaidó and Leopoldo López
Internet photo

Published at: 22/01/2024 04:56 PM

Through the social network X, the former director of USAID and congressman, Mark Andrew Green, reported that he held a meeting with the murderer Leopoldo López and Juanito Alimaña (Juan Guaidó) with the story of keeping him abreast of the situation in Venezuela.

“Productive meeting with @JGuaido, @TheWilsonCenter and colleague @leopoldolopez to talk to about the latest news in Venezuela,” Green wrote on the social network last Friday.

With this information, it is demonstrated once again that El Mazo does not deceive, and that is that the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, thanks to the “Cooperating Patriot VIP”, assured that López would have arrived in Washington and together with Guaidó they would walk around the United States to try to do damage control with the issue of CITGO.

“Today Leopoldo López arrived in Washington for a meeting that will take place Thursday and Friday on the topic of CITGO. They are seeking to do damage control because of the decision taken by the Delaware Court. The meeting is at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel on Maryland Ave. There will be: Carlos Jordá, CEO of CITGO; Leopoldo López, Carlos Vecchio, and José Ignacio Hernández, plus two advisors hired to do the lobby that seeks to extend the protection license to CITGO for a longer time and define the next steps legal to save himself from what is coming when CITGO is lost, until now Guaidó had not confirmed his attendance,” said Cabello in his program.

Let's remember that during the fantasy government of Narnia, Guaidó and his band tried to hand over CITGO to the United States, and after their plans were unveiled, they are now trying to wash their hands.