

The Deck doesn't deceive...! D'lsa Jennifer had her act with the Inmundo where La Sayo reluctantly went

Act of the opposition party Citizen's Encuentro
Photo @EdmundoGU

Published at: 16/05/2024 11:55 AM

This Thursday, May 16, the opposition Citizens' Encuentro party held, in the spaces of the College of Engineers, in Caracas, the long-awaited event requested by its leader D'LSA Solórzano with the candidate of the banner, Edmundo González Urrutia, where María Corina Machado, better known as La Sayona, was surprised.

During his Con El Mazo Dando program, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, had already warned about this act, which La Sayona wanted to sabotage and not show up to throw the donkey on D'lsa Jennifer.

“Everyone is still seeking the attention of Uncle Inmundo, including the Minister for Falsehood, D'Elsa Solórzano, who demanded that she be allowed to do her own act, alone with Edmundo González, that will be tomorrow at the College of Engineers, but I have an order to sabotage it because Cori doesn't want it to look full, although an official from the North American Embassy in Colombia suggested that Cori show up To give a message of unity, Cori is thinking about it, but I don't think so,” Cabello read in one of the letters sent to him by his informing friends.

In that sense, following the orders of her masters of imperialism, La Sayo did show up at the event, because they gave her the order from the Greek embassy “to continue selling the story of unity”. Although she took care not to take any photos of the event on her social networks in which Solórzano appeared, she only noticed that she and the candidate of the banner appeared, with very close shots, by the way.

On the contrary, Inmundo was the only one who took a photo with Solórzano on the spot, as part of the story that he meets all the factors, but it should be noted that in it his embrace and attention are only for La Sayo, almost leaving out D'lsa Jennifer.

Here are the photos, so that you can see that once again El Mazo without tricks or tricks does not deceive and that this opposition is more divided than ever.

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