The deceptions of María Corina Machado (2)

The way in which María Cornia Machado perceives Venezuelan reality is already worrying The way in which María Cornia Machado perceives Venezuelan reality is already worrying
The way in which María Cornia Machado perceives Venezuelan reality is already worrying

Con El Mazo Dando 11 años

Published at: 31/01/2025 06:00 PM

María Corina Machado's file is riddled with failures that show her fascist and destabilizing behavior. From the 2002 coup d'etat to his calls to the streets in recent days, he has demonstrated that his only answer to democracy is violence. For more than two decades, he has deceived his followers with promises of change that never came true, while his actions have brought only death, destruction and disappointment. Machado's trajectory is not that of a leader, but that of an agitator unable to accept the popular will and obsessed with power at any cost. In the previous article we described their actions from 2002 to 2017, this time we presented their actions between 2019 and 2020.

In 2019 , it accompanied the most illegal event attempted by the Venezuelan opposition, because that figure does not appear in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela ( CRBV), of the so-called interim government of the deputy Juan Guaidó, with the slogan “ cessation of usurpation, transitional government and free elections”, in which once again, Machado requested foreign intervention in our country, when he declared “what remains is nothing other than the application of all forces inside and outside the country, in the same direction, to cause the breakdown of the dictatorship.” Once again, Machado showed his support for destabilizing actions, this time supporting the coup d'etat in Bolivia that overthrew President Evo Morales. This position reaffirmed its alignment with movements that seek foreign intervention and the destabilization of legitimate governments in Latin America.

Then, in 2020, he maintained his bellicose stance, with speeches like this: “We are fighting to bring together all internal and external forces and remove Maduro now. The situation in the country is unsustainable, it is today that we need and have the support of Western democracies, we can no longer look the other way. We are at the moment when it is defined in what way and when the exit is, today the exit is inevitable”. From the fictitious interim period of Guaidó, he promoted actions such as the formation of an international coalition to deploy a Peace and Stabilization Operation in Venezuela ( OPE).

According to the opposition representative, to oppose the presence of this international force is to condemn the nation to coexistence with Chavism, and she explained that “although there is no right of intervention, the obligation to intervene and the right to protect (R2P) are legitimate”, she said in a document endorsed by the acting guy, in which he enumerated the objectives of this “multifaceted peace operation: a) land control, security and disarmament; b) primary humanitarian assistance; c) reconstruction emergency infrastructure and public services; d) restoration of law and order; e) promotion of the rule of law and f) democratic reinstitutionalization of the country”.

In addition, he reiterated his interest in creating an international coalition, that “from a causal point of view, the success of each of these objectives is a prerequisite for the success of the others. For this reason, I believe that this operation should not depend on a single organization, but should be made up of different allies (institutions and countries) with regional disposition and legitimacy within the framework of the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (TIAR) and different inter-American mechanisms.”

Also in that year, since the TIAR application document was not taken into account , in September and as a measure of pressure, he sent a public letter addressed to Juan Guaidó, in which he explained his annoyance at not having activated actions to invade Venezuela and that this caused a delay in the departure of Nicolás Maduro . Below is an excerpt from the public letter:

“I always told you that leaving the Maduro regime required building an option of force, and that for this purpose the activation of the TIAR was important. I have personally contributed to this task, just as the Ambassador to the OAS must have informed you in detail. This work was lengthy and did not receive the commitment of the interim after the first achievement. You have consistently refused to approve Article 187.11, which would be part of the legal framework for international support and an unequivocal message, both to our international allies and to the regime itself. Nobody believes that approving an article solves the problem; this statement is disrespectful. The question has been to create a device in which the international coalition can develop based on the same Constitution that made you interim President. Even so, despite the fact that you rejected the proposals we have formulated, we have supported the interim in those decisions that we believed helped to remove the regime from power. Juan, there are opportunities that have been missed. The country gave you a task that you could not or did not want to fulfill. That task was limited to leaving the regime. The wasted time has caused setbacks: just as several countries that voted to activate the TIAR today are reviewing their decision, there are some of the 60 countries that recognized you as interim President, that are proposing false solutions with impossible dialogues or elections with the mafias in power. Yes, there is an alternative proposal to achieve the liberation of Venezuela. This route requires scaling up and coordinating internal and external forces in a solid strategy, with reliable leadership underpinned by the libertarian and unyielding spirit of Venezuelans. Let's make it happen once and for all.”

Then, that same year, he signed an agreement with the Israeli LIKUD party , which today is leading the massacre in Gaza, for the formation of his organization Vente Venezuela, he posted the following on his Instagram account: “We are proud to announce that we signed a cooperation agreement with @_Likud_Party in Israel to advance issues of strategy, geopolitics and security. It is a historic step that we are taking as a party and in defense of Western values: freedom, the rule of law and the free market. This alliance sends a clear message to the regime of Nicolás Maduro, to Venezuelans and to the world about consolidating relations with strategic allies for the Venezuelan struggle, in the face of threats such as that of Iran.”

The political organizations LIKUD and Vente Venezuela also announced that cooperation includes “political, ideological and social issues, as well as progress on issues related to strategy, geopolitics and security”, so that this closeness becomes an operational partnership; that is, as we have seen the actions of that party on Palestinian soil; they share physical elimination by way of the genocide against their political opponents.

According to the narrative of these events, it is evident, public and notorious that the actions led by María Corina Machado do not pose any democratic struggle; on the contrary, it reflects their violent nature and their intentions to promote a war between Venezuelans.