

The CNE received a presidential nomination from the opposition Luis Ratti

Luis Ratti, presidential candidate for the Popular Democratic Right party
Photo: Internet

Published at: 24/03/2024 02:40 PM

The evangelical pastor and militant of the right, Luis Ratti, formalized his presidential candidacy before the National Electoral Council this Sunday.

Ratti's nomination, backed by the Popular Democratic Right party, brings to 10 the number of opposition candidates who will be measured in the upcoming presidential elections l.

During his words, Ratti assured that his candidacy, despite being from the right, embodies a new opposition different from the one that has called for sanctions and invasions against the country.

“Today as an opposition candidate, we are calling on the world, we are saying no to sanctions, not to the blockade, we are saying that we solve the problems of Venezuelans with the vote, with participation,” he said, while being in favor of defending peace and our sovereignty.

In this regard, Ratti criticized that those who have refused to participate in the defense of our territory and our sovereignty want to submit candidacies just to cloud the process.

“I think that those who did not participate in the consultative referendum for the defense of our Essequibo territory have no morals to want to present a presidential candidacy. It's not fair that if they worked against the defense of Venezuelan territory, they now want to come and participate in elections and say that they want good for Venezuela,” he emphasized.

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