

The Carter Center in the hands of USAID and the CIA

These contradictions of the Carter Center began in 2020, following the appointment of Paige Alexander as director of the Center.

Published at: 11/08/2024 09:34 AM

To the train of US interventionism in Latin America made up of the CIA, OAS, IMF and USAID wagons, the locomotive of the State Department and the Pentagon have attached a new wagon: the Carter Center, now under the control of Paige Alexander, a former USAID official.

In short, the Carter Center ceased to be a bona fide institution to become a sister institution of SÚMATE, since both are funded by USAID, and those who pay for the mariachis demand the songs. And as the song says “Everything collapsed”.

Since Jimmy Carter is not in charge of the organization he founded to serve as an impartial, neutral, moral electoral observatory at the service of Latin American democratic processes, Paige Alexander has demonstrated that she now leads it to ignore democratic institutions and promote coups d'etat.

To any event, what the Carter Center has said and done since its founding in 1982 has never been intended and cannot be binding. Until not long ago, he was a guest of honor in Venezuela, given his prestigious past and once good reputation.

His role does not go beyond that of an observer of mere fact and not of law. You may or may not exalt the ethics of electoral institutions and the good practice of their operation, make observations or remain silent, but you cannot make a value judgment or de facto endorse a continued coup d'etat such as the one that Venezuela is going through.

Without a doubt, since Jimmy Carter first set foot on Venezuelan soil, he spared no words to make it known that Venezuela's electoral system is the most advanced, transparent and reliable in the world.

But that being the case, Paige Alexander has succeeded in destroying the trajectory of this foundation, always welcome to warn about the historical evolution of peoples who have peacefully resolved to settle their internal affairs in the full exercise of their sovereignty; that is, by electing their own rulers without foreign agents or agencies that impose irrelevant conditions.

Right now, Paige Alexander has joined the electoral neurosis of María Corina Machado derailed with her hasty conjectures 42 years of experience to become an entity that promotes political instability in the region. Alexander, recognizes SÚMATE, an entity lacking any legitimacy, and attests to forged, adulterated, inconsistent, unpresentable and despicable acts.

Long before July 28, Machado and his partner González Urrutia had already thrown all their letters of alleged fraud on the table, establishing themselves as electoral authorities, and proclaiming themselves winners based on big data of records that they dare not present in physical form before the Electoral Dispute Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice.

These contradictions of the Carter Center began in 2020, following the appointment of Paige Alexander as director of the Center. Since then, it became an appendix to USAID, took a 180º turn and began its role as a destabilizing agent of electoral processes in the region, with an emphasis on Venezuela.

Since its appointment, the Carter Center has strayed from the path of impartiality, the conciliatory mission and the reliable methods that an observer must show when it comes to evaluating a historic electoral process whose repercussions are impacting all areas of global geopolitics. Alexander is still a well-paid pawn to issue short-term opinions that do nothing to push the recalcitrant opposition away from its suicidal and incendiary plans.

In conclusion, since the arrival of Paige Alexander, the Carter Center has changed from being a neutral observer to becoming an interventionist that seeks to influence political processes in Latin America. This aligns with the interests of corporations and the U.S. government, using democracy and human rights as excuses to intervene in countries that resist hegemonic control.

Paige Alexander is not and has never been an alien figure to the dynamics of power in the United States. His previous career at USAID, an agency known for its role in promoting American interests abroad under the guise of development assistance, has shaped his approach and vision.

USAID has historically been accused of being an arm of U.S. foreign policy, used to influence the internal affairs of other nations and promote regime change in those countries that challenge U.S. hegemony. So that:

Good Bye Carter Center - Hands off Venezuela!!!