

The Bolivarian Government responded to three thousand 1x10 requests in La Guaira

The mega-day of social care will continue next Monday at the El Niño Simón La Guaira Regional Foundation

Published at: 28/01/2024 12:16 PM

Three thousand requests for health and social support from the 1x10 of Good Government were answered by the governor of the state of La Guaira, José Alejandro Terán, during a mega-social day that took place at the facilities of the El Niño Simón La Guaira Regional Foundation.

“Responding to the call of our president Nicolás Maduro to respond to all the cases of 1x10 to our people, we have organized for two days a mega-day of case attention, reaching about three thousand; the day is very fast, a horseshoe system has been activated that includes the reception, attention, response and closure of the case,” said Governor Terán.

María Teresa Ramos de Terán, first Combatant and president of the El Niño Simón La Guaira Regional Foundation, was present during the social day, who highlights the support of the La Guaira Salud Foundation for this day.

The requests addressed by 1x10 for Good Governance range from medical examinations, operations, various health cases, such as social assistance, wheelchairs, blood pressure monitors, nebulizers and glucometers, among others. “With a lot of love, we give this support to our people, who have had the opportunity to use this miraculous tool and thus obtain the answer,” said Terán.