

The Bolivarian Government offers more than 20 tons of fish at Ferias del Cardumen in Zulia

More than 300 days are held throughout the state of Zulia
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 22/03/2024 07:07 PM

With the sale of more than 20 tons of fish, this Friday, March 22, the deployment of the Cardumen Fairs continued in the state of Zulia.

These are Operation Venezuela Eats Fish and the Fisheries Protein Plan, which visited the Chiquinquirá parish, in the emblematic El Saladillo sector in the beloved land of the Sun.

“To date, we have been holding more than 300 days throughout the state of Zulia, from when we started on February 2 until now,” explained Ricardo Herrera, Regional Director of the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture. The day will be moved to next Tuesday, March 26, in the Quatricentennial sector of the Francisco Eugenio Bustamante parish.

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