

The Bolivarian Government has recovered 34 universities with the Great Venezuela Bella Mission

Presidential work day from Carabobo state
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 31/05/2024 08:18 PM

During a day of work carried out from the reclaimed spaces of the University of Carabobo (UC), the president of the Great Venezuela Bella Mission, Jacqueline Faria, announced that to date 34 universities have been recovered across the country.

Through a contact with the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, the official explained that “in two years, after the fall of corridor number five of the UC in 2020, the Fine Universities program and 34 university campuses have been completely rehabilitated.”

He added that at the university campus of Carabobo, which covers an area of more than 360 hectares, the first work carried out was at the faculty of engineering.

“That faculty was the one we achieved in the worst condition and today it is delivered completely rehabilitated and beautiful. In 15 months of work, we have recovered 105 classrooms, 12 laboratories and 45 bathrooms.” He added that the waterproofing work covers more than 15 thousand square meters.

He specified that the work was carried out between several hands involving the different levels of the Bolivarian Government.

The president of the GMBV recommended accompanying recovery and beautification plans with maintenance brigades in each house of studies.

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