

The Bolivarian Government carried out maintenance and cleaning work in Los Magallanes de Catia

This action is part of the attention of the 1×10 System of Good Governance

Published at: 13/05/2024 03:16 PM

The Bolivarian Government carried out work to clean the bodies of bars in Plaza El Cristo, in Los Magallanes de Catia, Sucre parish, in Caracas, as part of the attention of the 1×10 System of Good Governance.

The information was released by the team of the Office of Public Services, Infrastructure and Roads of Caracas through their account on the social network Instagram, and replicated on the website of the State channel, Venezolana de Televisión, where it was detailed that crews have been deployed on the city's main roads to prevent possible floods during the next season of rains in the country.

In addition, it was explained that this work not only contributes to ensuring the safety and well-being of the inhabitants of this parish, but also improves traffic flow in the area.

Other points served by the Government of Caracas were Santa Rosalía parish where passers-by in the area benefited.

Mazo News Team