

The Bolivarian Government achieved a 24.3% reduction in the crime rate in the country

Public security policies implemented by the Bolivarian Government and leveraged in the Great Mission Quadrants of Peace work
Photo: MPPRIJP Press

Published at: 03/05/2024 08:40 AM

From the state of Sucre, the Sectorial Vice President for Citizen Security and Peace, Chief Admiral Remigio Ceballos Ichaso, reported that a 24.3% reduction in crimes has been achieved in the national territory so far this year, compared to 2023.

The Minister of Popular Power for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace (MPPRIJP), also indicated that “the reduction of crimes throughout the national territory is thanks to the citizen security policies implemented by the Bolivarian Government and leveraged in the Great Quadrants of Peace Mission.”

Ceballos highlighted that a gang was captured on the Troncal 10 national highway between the states of Sucre and Monagas. “These individuals intended to hijack a vehicle with food, however, with the immediate action of the citizen security bodies, it was possible to deal a hard blow to these mafias that put the lives of the population at risk; however, it is under the orders of the jurisdictions”, MPPRIJP press reports.

He also specified that they have a national security plan; also developed in the state of Falcón and Yaracuy in coordination with the help of Governors and Mayors for the Integral Defense of the Nation.

On the other hand, he pointed out that the Bolivarian Government is making progress in the fight against illegal drug trafficking. “We have seized more than 18 tons so far this year and we will continue to advance against all mafias inside and outside our borders.”

Regarding the starting period of the rainy season in the country, he explained that the National Risk Management System is active and preparing the necessary actions to start the Rain Care Plan in the national territory.

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