Published at: 28/02/2024 09:00 PM
- “Aid Live Venezuela (live aid for Venezuela)” was a great international show business ploy, with a wide media spectrum, that would serve as a smokescreen to carry out the invasion of Venezuela by launching a philanthropic concert to raise alleged charitable funds in the border city of Cúcuta, Colombia.
- The sponsor, producer and organizer of this “philanthropic” concert was British magnate Richard Brandson, a notable friend of child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein and a frequent passenger on the Lolita Express private jet. His fortune is estimated at U$D 4 billion.
- On the 22nd, as a camouflage operation, the media show was held that tried to disguise the real intentions to invade the national territory.
- Two days earlier, three American Hercules military planes had landed in Cucuta, where they supposedly disembarked boxes containing food. They were also transporting marines and war material.
- The Battle of the Bridges was fought on several fronts. There were sieges of military installations and armed clashes in the Tachirense city of Ureña, on the Simón Bolívar, Francisco de Paula Santander and Tienditas international bridges, throughout the day of that Saturday. Santa Elena de Uairén, Bolivar state, was also the scene of another border battle.
- On the 23rd, in a false flag operation, three deserters from the National Guard seized two armored vehicles, broke the dividing fences, ran over several people and immediately called for the mass desertion of troops within the Bolivarian National Armed Forces.
- The purpose was to turn San Antonio (from Táchira) into a beachhead, to set up a headquarters for international forces and to use military bases to invade Venezuela, just as they did in Syria.
- Some media outlets, located on the Venezuelan side, showed security forces and demonstrators rejecting the attempted incursion, while from the mountains and under the bridge, shock groups, paid for by the right, threw stones, Molotov cocktails and threatened with firearms.
- Freddy Bernal, who at that time served as Protector of the Táchira state, recounted how long before, Venezuelan intelligence services already knew the true intentions of the right wing and its sponsors, and prepared to face them.
- On this side of the border, 12,000 men and women mobilized to the areas bordering Colombia. It was literally an army of shirtless men and women over 70 years old, boys aged 15 and 16, pregnant women, ordinary people, where the civic-military union was twinned in battle.
- The now governor of Táchira, Bernal, saw Yankee marines patrolling the other side of the river with paramilitary groups, wearing their suits and badges.
- That afternoon, Admiral Gilberto Pinto warned about how the battle at the Simon Bolivar Bridge was being lost. Paramilitary groups were advancing.
- With our troops exhausted, a deafening murmur began to resound and in a matter of seconds, barely giving a voice to move forward, the fighters of the civic-military union rose up and attacked the invaders with unparalleled force.
- All the ground that had been lost in 10 hours was recovered in 10 minutes, that victory secured peace in Venezuela and prevented a civil war.
- Beyond the military defeat suffered by Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Elliot Abrams, the Lima Group and the puppet Guaidó, subsequent events turned the show of supposed humanitarian aid into an international scandal.
- The alleged burden, coordinated by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), was burned on Colombia's side, to hide the failure of the coup.
- Days later, on March 10, an investigation by the New York Times revealed a video that showed that the gangolas loaded with supposed humanitarian aid had been set on fire by a Molotov cocktail thrown by the alleged invaders, and that only part of the humanitarian aid was food or medicine, the rest was made up of material to arm terrorist groups, paid to create violence on the border.
- In an unprecedented event, a month earlier, on January 23, 2019, the then president of the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, had proclaimed himself president of the Republic in a public square, with the support of the United States and the recognition of some 50 countries.
- On February 12, the self-proclaimed president, after repeatedly announcing the possibility of military intervention to remove constitutional president Nicolás Maduro from the Miraflores Palace, announced the arrival of the supposed humanitarian aid.
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