

The Andresote Rebellion: Pioneering feat against the Spanish monopoly

Andresote is the Venezuelan rebellion that will never allow another empire to tarnish the Homeland Andresote is the Venezuelan rebellion that will never allow another empire to tarnish the Homeland

Published at: 25/05/2024 08:00 AM

On May 25, 1731, Juan Andrés López del Rosario, better known as the black Andresote, led a rebellion against the Guipuzkoan Company for controlling the commercial relations of the time.

In addition to this, the company also traded slaves and when landowners began to buy and sell with people from other countries who offered them better prices, without authorization, they were penalized.

The Andresote Rebellion took place in the Yaracuy region, especially the area where the river of that name flows and the coasts of Puerto Cabello and Tucacas. It succeeded in uniting indigenous people, blacks, zambos, mulattos and white Creoles, each for different reasons, a feat that history recognizes as one of the first struggles against the Spanish Empire.

Andresote is the Venezuelan rebellion that will never allow another empire to tarnish the Homeland.

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